Die pastoraal-terapeutiese funksie van die Klaagpsalms in die terminale fase

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie word 'n ondersoek gedoen na die terapeutiese waarde van Klagpsalms om die terminale pasiënt pastoraal te verstaan en te hanteer. Hiermee word beoog om 'n teologiese model te ontwikkel wat die tekortkominge en eensydighede van die psigologiese model te bowe kom. Die navorser het bevind dat sterwensbegeleiding - ook die pastorale hantering - sterk terugval op die fase-teorie van Kübler-Ross. Hierdie teorie vorm die kern van die psigologiese model, wat wel voorsiening maak vir die identifisering, uitlewing en hantering van sekere funksionele en disfunksionele emosies. Die leemte is egter dat hierdie model nie genoegsaam aandag aan die pasient se toekomskomponent en behoefte aan sinverwerking gee nie. Alleen 'n model wat soepel genoeg is om die affektiewe, konatiewe, kognitiewe, etiese en religieuse prosesse van die mens aan te spreek, kan die terminale pasiënt op effektiewe wyse help met die verwerkingsproses. Die navorsing het aangetoon dat die dinamika van die struktuur van die Klagpsalms en die Trou van God, as sentrale tema van die Klagpsalms, so 'n model moontlik maak. In hoofstuk twee word die fase-teorie van Kübler-Ross bespreek. Enersyds is gevind dat die winspunte daarvan vir die pastoraat op twee vlakke lê – die verhoudingsvlak en die hermeneutiese vlak. Andersyds is gevind dat die oorbeklemtoning van die ervaringsmodel die gevaar van 'n psigologiese reduksie van die terminale situasie inhou. In hoofstukke drie en vier kom die pastorale hermeneutiek en diagnostiese prosedure aan die orde om die verskraling van die ervaringsmodel vir die pastorale bediening te oorkom. Die eiesoortigheid van die pastorale hermeneutiek lê daarin dat dit nie net die pasiënt se emosies verstaan, vertolk en verhelder nie, maar ook die pasiënt se geloofsfunksies en Godsbeskouing. Die navorsing het bevind dat die beste metode van diagnose die verhaalanalise is. Hierdie metode is nie bedreigend vir die terminale pasiënt nie en sowel die pasiënt se emosionele as geestelike behoeftes kom daardeur aan die lig. In hoofstuk vyf word 'n model voorgestel waarvolgens die terminale pasiënt pastoraal-terapeuties hanteer kan word. Daar word beredeneer dat die Klagpsalms die instrument en integrasiepunt vir sodanige model is. Op grand van die struktuur, inhoud en boodskap van die Klagpsalms is gevind dat verbande getrek kan word tussen die fases van Kübler-Ross (ervaringmodel), die struktuur van die Klagpsalms, die verskillende verhaaltipes van die verhaalanalise met die onderskeie Godsbegrippe en Godsvoorstellings wat met die pasiënt se belewinge en behoeftes ooreenstem. Die terapeutiese waarde in die toepassing van hierdie model lê daarin dat sowel die persoons- as geloofsprofiel van die terminale pasiënt optimale aandag kry, sodat die pasiënt gehelp kan word om selfs in hierdie finale fase van die lewe, tot groter geloofsvolwassenheid te groei.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study enquires into the nature of the therapeutic value of the Lament Psalms in pastoral care to the terminal patient. It aims to develop a theological model which overcomes the shortcomings and one-sidedness of the psychological model. The researchers conclusion is that terminal care - also in pastoral counseling - relies strongly on the phase theory of Kübler-Ross. This theory forms the crux of the psychological model which indeed provides for the identifying, coping and dealing with certain functional and dysfunctional emotions. The deficiency however, is that this model does not sufficiently attend to the patients future component and the need to establish living worth sufficiently. Only a model which is flexible enough to address the patient's affective, conative, cognitive, ethical and religious processes can help the terminally ill patient's assimilation effectively. The research has shown that the dynamics of the structure of the Lament Psalms and the faithfulness of God, as the central theme of the Lament Psalms, make such a model feasible. In chapter two the phases of Kübler-Ross are discussed. On the one hand it is found that the benefits for the pastorate are on two levels - the relationship level and the hermeneutic level. On the other hand the research found that by overemphasizing the experience model the risk of a psychological reduction is imminent. In chapters three and four pastoral hermeneutics and diagnostic procedure are discussed to overcome the alternation of the experience model for pastoral care. The peculiarity of the pastoral hermeneutics is that it not only understands, interprets and clears up the patients emotions but also his/her faith and understanding of God. The research found the story analysis to be the best method of diagnosis. The terminal patient does not feel threatened by this method and as a result reveals the spiritual and emotional needs more willingly. In chapter five a model is recommended whereby the terminally ill patient is treated in a pastoral therapeutic way. It is argued that the Lament Psalms be the instrument and medium of such a model. Based on the structure, contents and message of the Lament Psalms, it is found that certain conclusions can be established to similarities existing in the phases of Kübler-Ross (experience model), the structure of the Lament Psalms, the various story types of the story analysis with the respective ideas and visualisations of God which correspond with the patient's experiences and needs. By applying this model the therapeutic value is that optimal attention is secured for the personal as well as faith profile of the terminally ill patient, thus helping him/her to grow to greater spiritual maturity - even in the final phase of his/her life.
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 1993.
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, Bible. Psalms -- Use, Terminal care -- Religious aspects -- Christianity, Terminally ill -- Pastoral counseling of, Pastoral psychology, Hermeneutics, Laments in the Bible -- Psychology