Alternating copolymerisation of carbon monoxide with a-olefins with a homogeneous Pd-Type catalyst

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie behels die alternerende kopolimerisasie van koolstofmonoksied en a-olefiene met 'n homogene palladiumkatalisator. 'n Deeglike studie oor die agtergrond van die kopolimerisasie reaksies met oolstofmonoksied en a-olefiene is gedoen. Die homogene katalisatorsisteem, wat suksesvol gesintetiseer en gebruik is in die kopolimerisasie reaksies, is saamgestel uit 'n bidentate fosfienligand, nl. 1,3 bis(difenielfosfinopropaan), 'n palladium(II)spesies, nl. palladium asetaat, en 'n suur komponente, pora-tolueensulfoonsuur. Hierdie homogene palladium-katalisatorsisteem is gebruik om die volgende te produseer: - volkome alternerende etileen/koolstofmonoksied-kopolimere, -volkome alternerende 1-penteen/koolstofmonoksied-kopolimere en -volkome alternerende etileen/koolstofmonoksied/1-penteen terpolimere. - Die ko- enterpolimere is sover moontlik gekarakteriseer om die verwantskap tussen die hoeveelheid l-panteen geinkorpereer en die termiese eienskappe van die etileen/koolstofmonoksied/l-penteen-terpolimere in besonder, aan te toon. 'n Verwantskap tusen die reagens-gasdruk en opbrengs van die polimerisasiereaksies is ook waargeneem.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study concerns the alternating copolymerisation of carbon monoxide (CO) with a-olfins using a homogeneous palladium catalyst. A thorough study on the background of the copolymerisation reactions of CO and a-olefins was done. The homogeneous palladium-based catalyst system, successfully synthesised and is used for the copolymerisation reactions, comprised a bidentate phosphine ligand, 1,3-bis (diphenylphosphinopropane), a palladium(II) species, palladium(II) acetate, and an acid component, pera-toluenesulphonic acid. The homogeneous palladium-catalyst system was used to produce: -alternating ethylene/CO copolymers, -alternating i-pentene/CO copolymers -alternating ethylene/CO/l-pentene terpolymers The co- and terpolymers were characterised as far as possible to show the relationship between the amount of I-pentene incorporated and the thermal properties of the ethylene/COI-penetene terpolymers in particular. A relationship between gas pressure and yield of the polymerisation reactions was observed.
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 1997.
Palladium catalysts, Carbon monoxide, Polymerization