The theory of reasoned action as applied to brand loyalty

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Brand loyalty or brand insistence is the ultimate goal of marketers who wish to attempt to carve out a market share of customers who will use only their particular branded item. In order to achieve this goal, many models have been formulated and discussed as an aid in predicting a consumer' s brand loyalty. The models investigated and discussed were not able to satisfactorily explain and predict brand loyalty. The complexity of brand choice behaviour has been the main reason for the development of so many models, each trying to solve specific problems that vary between product categories and buying situations. Owing to the shortfalls of the various brand loyalty models available to predict consumer brand loyalty, the Fishbein behavioural intention model was used. The central focus of this thesis is whether the Fishbein behavioural intention model can be used to predict a consumer' s behavioural or buying intention, and from this, his potential for brand loyalty. In this regard, the Fishbein behavioural intention model has a high predictive validity, in that it is possible to predict behavioural intention with a high degree of accuracy from a linear combination of the attitudinal and social norm components of the model.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Handelsmerkgetrouheid is die uiteindelike oogmerk van bemarkers wat daarna streef om ' n markaandeel van verbruikers te ontwikkel wat uitsluitlik hul spesifieke handelsmerk gebruik. 'n Verskeidenheid modelle in terme waarvan verbruikers se handelsmerkgetrouheid verklaar kan word is reeds voorgestel ten einde hierdie oogmerk te verwesenlik. Die modelle wat vir die doel van hierdie studie ondersoek is kon egter nie werklik bevredigend handelsmerkgetrouheid verklaar en voorspel nie. Die komplekse dinamika onderliggend aan die keuse van 'n handelsmerk is waarskynlik die hoofrede vir die groot verskeidenheid verklarende handelsmerkgetrouheidmodelle. Vanwee die tekortkominge in die bestaande handelsmerkgetrouheidmodelle is die Fishbein gedragsvoorneme model ondersoek as 'n moontlike verklaring van handelsmerkgetrouheid. Die sentrale tema van hierdie tesis is gevolglik of die Fishbein gedragsvoorneme model gebruik kan word om verbruikers se koopvoorneme ten opsigte van verskillende handelsmerke in ' n spesifieke produkkategorie te voorspel, en voortvloeiend daaruit, sy waarskynlike handelsmerkgetrouheid. Die Fishbein model as 'n linieêre kombinasie van houding- en sosiale normkomponente, toon bevredigende voorspellingsgeldigheid vir gedragsvoorneme as kriterium.
Thesis (M.A.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1995.
Brand choice, Consumer behavior, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology