Shunt active power filtering algorithms for unbalanced, non-linear loads

Gous, Marthinus Gerhardus Faculin
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis presents the design and implementation of shunt active power filtering algorithms for unbalanced, non-linear loads. A three-phase four-wire topology is developed in the dqO space. Based on this development an accurate dynamic system model, taking into account the effect of the neutral inductor is developed. The synchronous reference frame technique is expanded to enable the isolation of the zero sequence current component into its instantaneous active and reactive current components. Additionally a prediction method is proposed that will enable the proper prediction of the reference currents in a threephase four-wire system. Two categories of reference current signal tracking algorithms are investigated; namely the predictive current controller and the sliding mode current controller. A compensating technique is proposed to compensate for the effects that sampling and computational time delay have on the performance of the system. Additionally, an investigation is done into the effect that dead-time has on the performance of the system, and based on this investigation a dead-time compensating strategy is proposed. Finally simulation and practical results are provided to validate the discussed theories.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling ondersoek die ontwerp en implementering van parralel gekoppelde aktiewe filter algoritmes vir ongebalenseerde, nie-lineêre laste. 'n Drie-fase vier-draad topologie, asook 'n korrekte model van die dinamiese sisteem, wat die effek van die neutraal induktor insluit, is ontwikkel in die dqO ruimte. Die sinchroon verwysing vlak tegniek is uitgebrei om die isolering van die nul sekwensie stroom in onderskeidelik die oombliklike aktiewe en reaktiewe stroom komponente te verdeel. Addisioneel is a vooruitskatting tegniek aanbeveel wat die beheerder in staat sal stelom voldoende die verwysing strome vooruit te skat in 'n drie-fase vier-draad stelsel. Twee katagoriee van verwysing stroom volging algoritmes is ondersoek, naamlik die afskatting stroom beheerder en die gleiende modus stroom beheerder. 'n Effektiewe kompensasie tegniek is voorgestel om die effek van tydvertraging as gevolg van monstering en verwerking te elimineer. Addisioneel is die effek van dooie-tyd ondersoek en gebasseer op hierdie ondersoek is 'n effektiewe dooie-tyd kompensasie tegniek voorgestel. Laastens is simulasies en praktiese resultate verskaf om die werking van die voorgestelde teorie te bevestig.
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003.
Electric filters, Electric current regulators, Electric controllers, Dissertations -- Electronic engineering, Theses -- Electronic engineering