Immigration and intolerance in South Africa, 1990-2001

Dwyer, Chantal Glynn
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many different categories of people move into South Africa daily. Each category has its defined purposes for coming here such as seeking opportunities, a better life and in some cases a safe haven. Many South Africans have become intolerant towards immigrants entering the country. In some cases immigrants have to endure name calling, harassment and in more extreme circumstances violent attacks. This study proposes to focus on intolerance in South Africa from 1990 to 2001 and describes whether South Africans have become more intolerant towards immigrants over this period. It therefore focuses on certain groups in the South African society based on ethnicity, level of education and category of employment. A quantitative method is used by means of utilising already existing statistics from the World Value Surveys conducted in 1990, 1995 and 200l. It also takes the form of a longitudinal study by describing xenophobic and intolerant attitudes over an elevenyear period.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Elke dag kom verskillende groepe mense na Suid-Afrika. Hulle het ook verskeie redes waarom hulle hierheen kom. Sommige mag gelok word deur die geleenthede wat die land hulle mag bied en ander vlug hierheen op soek na 'n veilige blyplek. Alhoewel hulle hierheen kom vir definitiewe redes, word hulle nie deur alle Suid-Afrikaners verwelkom nie. Hulle word dikwels die slagoffers van aanvalle en word ook gereeld geteister. Die doel van hierdie studie is om verdraagsaamheid in Suid-Afrika te analiseer deur om na vreemdelingsvrees van Suid-Afrikaners teenoor immigrante te kyk. Die studie wil die vlak van verdraagsaamheid tenoor immigrante vanaf 1990 tot 2001 beskryf. Klem word op spesifieke groepe van Suid-Afrikaners geplaas naamlik rasse groep, die vlak van geletterdheid so wel as werkskategorie. Die studie gebruik dus 'n kwantitatiwe navorsingrnetode en statistieke van die World Value Surveys wat in 1990, 1995 en 2001 gedoen is. Dit beoog om die veranderinge in verdraagsaamheid oor 'n periode van elf jaar te beskryf.
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003.
Discrimination against the homeless, Emigration and immigration -- Social aspects -- South Africa, Immigrants -- South Africa -- Public opinion, Xenophobia -- South Africa. -- Public opinion, Migration, Internal -- South Africa, South Africa -- Social conditions -- 1994-, Dissertations -- Political science, Theses -- Political science