Die invloed van musiekstimulering op die ontwikkeling van die kind met Downsindroom : 'n holistiese benadering

Scheffler, Marga
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is a growing interest in the investigation of the value of music to the development of cognitive, social, personal and motor skills pertaining to infants. Research has shown that the inclusion of music in intervention programs for physically and cognitively disabled children could have a positive influence on the development of several of their skills. Against this background the reactions and development of four children with Down syndrome from a school for the disabled in Bellville were investigated from a holistic point of view during their participation in a music stimulation program. The music stimulation program presented in this study was compiled after consulting existing well-proven music appreciation programs for non-disabled children. Some of the activities extracted from these programs were adjusted where necessary. At times nonmusical activities were also combined with music in order to address a diversity of skills by means of music. Results after the completion of the program indicated that music has the potential to enhance the development of several skills and intelligences, as identified and described by Gardner (1983), of children with Down syndrome. Although it was difficult to determine whether music was responsible for some of the improvements that were observed, the results from this study indicated that children with Down syndrome can benefit from a structured music stimulation program.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die waarde van musiek ten opsigte van die ontwikkeling van kognitiewe, sosiale, persoonlike en motoriese vaardighede by kleuters word toenemend ondersoek. Navorsing het getoon dat die insluiting van musiek by intervensieprogramme vir fisies en kognitief gestremde kinders die ontwikkeling van verskeie vaardighede positief kan beïnvloed. Teen hierdie agtergrond IS die reaksies en ontwikkeling van vier kinders met Downsindroom vanuit 'n holistiese oogpunt tydens deelname aan 'n musiekstimuleringsprogram ondersoek. Hierdie kinders het 'n skool vir gestremdes in Bellville bygewoon. Die musiekstimuleringsprogram wat tydens die studie gebruik is, is saamgestel deur bestaande musiekwaarderingsprograrnme vir nie-gestremde kleuters wat oor 'n aantal jare beproef is te raadpleeg en, waar nodig, die aktiwiteite aan te pas. Nie-musikale aktiwiteite is soms met musiek gekombineer ten einde 'n verskeidenheid van vaardighede deur middel van musiek aan te spreek Die resultate van die voltooiing van die program het daarop gedui dat musiek die potensiaal het om 'n positiewe invloed op die ontwikkeling van verskeie vaardighede en intelligensies, soos geïdentifiseer en beskryf deur Gardner (1983), op kinders met Downsindroom uit te oefen. Hoewel dit soms moeilik was om te bepaal of musiek verantwoordelik was vir sommige van die verbeterings wat opgemerk is, het dit uit die resultate van hierdie studie geblyk dat kinders met Downsindroom kan baat vind by 'n gestruktureerde musiekstimuleringsprogram.
Thesis (MMus) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2003.
Down syndrome, Music therapy for children, Children with disabilities, Dissertations -- Music