Determination of platinum, palladium, rhodium and gold in platiniferous ores using ICP-MS and microwave dissolution

Matsau, Eunice Nthabiseng
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The determination of the platinum group metals (PGMs), platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium and osmium, remains a problem for the low-grade ore samples, and the analysis of these samples in a routine laboratory relies entirely on the fire assay technique. The use of large sample masses to overcome sub-sampling errors has been the greatest advantage of this technique. The increased economic value of PGMs and recent developments in instrumentation such as inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) which is capable of trace element detection as low as part per billion (Ppb) levels, have led to a search for complementary methods to ensure the accuracy of fire assay results. This work investigates the feasibility of direct dissolution of ore samples using microwave-assisted dissolution followed by ICP-MS as the measurement technique. Due to the limited sample mass that can be used, a thorough consideration had to be given to sampling errors and analytical errors to assess the overall precision achievable. Most PGM-bearing minerals occur as sulphides and these are highly resistant to acid dissolution. It was found that roasting the Merensky type samples in air, prior to dissolution gives quantitative recoveries for platinum. Recoveries up to 100% were obtained for platinum, palladium, rhodium and gold for a Merensky flotation concentrate with excellent precision (about 4%) except for gold which had poorer precision (16%). However, ore samples presented a problem due to their lower PGM content and smaller sample masses being used. Precision for all elements improved significantly (from about 20% to about 8%), with the use of l g-sample aliquot compared to that ofO.25 g-sample. Acid dissolution, even after roasting proved to be insufficient for the UG-2 chromitite samples. When roasting was followed with reduction under hydrogen flame the solubility of the UG-2 flotation concentrate improved remarkably. The recoveries obtained were approximately 95 ± 5% for platinum, 99 ± 5% palladium, 104 ± 12% gold and 102 ± 5% for rhodium with good precision (comparable to that of Merensky concentrate). The accuracy and precision of the results depended very much on the sample mass and air-flow in the furnace during the roasting procedure. For this method to be used successfully, the air flow is very critical, and should lead to a better furnace design which can rotate the crucibles to enable an even flow of air over all the samples during roasting.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bepaling van platinumgroep metale (PGM'e), platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium en osmium is 'n voortdurende probleem vir die lae-graad erts monsters. Die analise van hierdie monsters in 'n roetine laboratorium is geheel afhanklik van die klassieke "fire assay"-tegnieke. Die groot voordeel van hierdie tegniek is die voorkoming van monsternemingsfoute deur die gebruik van groter monster massas. Die ekonomiese waarde van PGM'e saam met die onlangse ontwikkeling van instrumentasie soos die induktief-gekoppelde plasma-massaspektrometrie (IGP-MS) wat in staat is om spoorelemente in konsentrasies so laag soos dele per biljoen (ppb) te meet, het daartoe gelei na soeke vir komplementêre metodes om die akkuraatheid van klassieke "fire assay" -tegnieke te verseker. Hierdie werk ondersoek die waarskynlikheid van direkte oplossing van ertsmonsters deur gebruik te maak van mikrogolf-ondersteunde oplossing gevolg deur IGP-MS as opmetingstegniek. As gevolg van die beperkte monster massa wat gebruik kan word, moes deeglike oorweging gegee word aan monsternemingsfoute en analitiese foute, om die oorkoepelende presiesheid te bepaal. Meeste PGM-draende minerale bestaan in die vorm van sulfiede en bied groot weerstand teen oplossing in 'n suur. Die gloei van Merensky-tipe monsters in lug voor oplossing gee kwantitatiewe herwinning van platinum Herwinning tot 100% is behaal vir platinum, palladium, rhodium en goud vir 'n Merensky-flotasie-konsentraat met uitstekende akkuraatheid (4%) behalwe vir goud met 'n swak (16%) akkuraatheid. Die erts monsters was problematies as gevolg van die laer PGM inhoud en kleiner monstermassas wat gebruik is. Presiesheid vir al die elemente het beduidend verbeter (van 20% tot 8%) met die gebruik van 1 g- monster massas vergelyk met 0.25 g-monsters. Ten spyte van die gloei van die monster is suur oplossing onvoldoende vir die UG-2 chromatiet-houdende monsters. Wanneer die monster gegloei is onder 'n waterstof vlam (reduksie) het die oplossbaarheid van UG-2 flotasie-konsentraat aansienlik verbeter. Die herwinbaarheid wat behaal is, is 95 +/- 5% vir platinum, 99 +/- 5% vir palladium, 104 +/- 12% vir goud en 102 +/- 5% rhodium met goeie relatiewe presiesheid vergeleke met Merensky-konsentrate. Die akkuraatheid en presiesheid van resultate hang meerendeels af van monster massa en lugvloei in die oond gedurende gloei. Die lugvloei is krities vir die sukses van hierdie metode en sal moet lei tot beter oond ontwerp wat kroesies kan roteer en 'n gelyke vloei van lug oor die monsters gedurende verbranding toelaat.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.
Platinum group industry, Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Palladium, Platinum, Rhodium, Gold, Dissertations -- Chemistry