Conflict in Palestine

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research question this study aims to answer is why Palestinians use tactics such as suicide bombings as a strategy of warfare against the Israelis. Four themes were discussed in order to find an answer to the research question. The four themes were the history of Palestine/Israel, unconventional warfare, Jerusalem and the peace processes over the past decades since independence. I used the case study method in my research design in order to study the immense amount of information available. I studied one case over duration of time, starting from the first arrival of people on the land of Canaan (later to be known as Palestine). My data resources consisted mainly of secondary material. This included books written on the subject as well as other written documents in journals, magazines and articles from the Internet. The theory I based my study on was Samuel P Huntington's (1993) theory on "the clash of civilizations". He states that in the future wars will not be between nation states but rather between civilizations. This theory has significant relevance to the situation in Palestine/Israel. I found that the four themes I discussed all played a major role in the reason for the Palestinians actions. Each theme delivered relevant findings that can be used to clarify the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. The history of Israel has to do with the issue of ownership, Jerusalem plays a prominent role in each party's religion, the warfare tactics the Palestinians use has a relevance to their success in spreading terror and the peace processes highlight the issues these two parties are unwilling to compromise on. This study shows that there are a lot of different factors involved in the conflict in Palestine. There are different facets that play a role in the fight for an independent Palestinian state. Israel, the other party involved, differs on each of these facets. A common ground needs to be established and sacrifices on each side need to be made in order for peace in the area.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsingsvraag wat hierdie studie poog om te beantwoord is waarom Palestyne selfmoord aanvalle as 'n oorlogstaktiek gebruik teen die burgers van Israel. Vier temas was bespreek om 'n antwoord te vind op die navorsingsvraag. Hierdie vier temas sluit die volgende in; die geskiedenis van Palestina/Israel, onkonvensionele oorlog, Jerusalem en die vredesprosesse oor die afgleope paar dekades vanaf die onafhanklikheid van Israel. Die Gevalle - Studie metode was gebruik in die navorsingsontwerp om die groot hoeveelheid informasie beskikbaar, te bestudeer. Hier word een geval bestudeer oor 'n tydperk. My studie tydperk het begin vanaf die aankoms van mense na die land van Kanaan (later as bekend as Palestina). My databronne het meestal bestaan uit sekondêre materiaal. Hierby ingesluit was boeke wat handeloor die onderwerp, sowel as ander geskrewe dokumente in joernale, tydskrifte en artikels vanaf die Internet. Die teorie waarop my studie gebasseer is, is die teorie oor beskawingskonflikte van Samuel P Huntington (1993). Hy stel dat die oorloë in die toekoms nie tussen nasie state gaan plaasvind nie, maar eerder tussen beskawings. Hierdie teorie het opsigtelike betrekking tot die situasie in Palestina/Israel. Ek het bevind dat die vier temas wat ek bespreek het, almal 'n merkwaardige rol speel in die Palestyne se optrede. Elke tema het relevante punte wat toepaslik is in die Palestynse/Israelse situasie. Die geskiedenis van Israel het te make met eindomsreg, Jerusalem speel 'n prominente rol in elkeen se godsdiens, die oorlogtaktieke wat die Palestyne gebruik, dra by tot hul sukses om vrees te saai onder die Israeli's en die vredes prosesse lig die sake uit waarop beide partye nie bereid is om te onderhandel nie. Hierdie studie wys dat daar verskeie verskillende faktore betrokke is by die konflik in Palestina. Daar is verskeie fasette wat 'n rol speel in die stryd vir 'n onafhanklike Palestynse staat. Maar, Israel en die ander party betrokke, verskil op elkeen van hierdie fasette. Dit is nodig om 'n gemeenskaplike basis te stig tussen die twee betokke partye. Dit is ook nodig dat beide opofferings maak sodat daar vrede kan wees in die streek.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.
Arab-Israeli conflict -- 1993-, Palestine -- Politics and government -- 1948-, Israel -- Politics and government, Dissertations -- Political science