Teachers' understanding of their learners' behaviour in the classroom

De Waal, Neil-Owen
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Despite the fact that a large proportion of learners in schools today is seen as displaying behavioural problems / difficulties, the area of teachers understanding the learners' needs to behave in a certain way is underresearched. A review of traditional psychological literature also suggests that the area of teachers' understanding of their learners' behaviour in the classroom is a marginalised subject. It is generally postulated that teachers have a profound influence on learners and how they behave. A teacher's understanding of a learner's behaviour, or the lack thereof, could be accompanied by a host of psychological and social consequences. The focus of this study will be to determine whether teachers understand the need/function of their learners' behaviour in the classroom. A qualitative study will be conducted. The instrument to be employed in the study is a self-constructed questionnaire and focus group interviews to clarify certain responses to the questionnaire. These will be administered to teachers at two mainstream primary schools in Bonteheuwel. Content and thematic analysis will be used to analyse the data. The primary aim of the study is to determine teachers' understanding of their learners' difficult/inappropriate/unacceptable behaviour in the classroom. The understanding of learners' behaviour in the classroom will inform teachers of the intervention strategies and behaviour management programmes to be used.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ondanks die feit dat 'n aansienlike aantal leerders in skole gedragsprobleme ervaar, bly die begrip van onderwysers aangaande leerders se onderliggende motivering vir hul gedrag 'n braak navorsingsarea. 'n Oorsig van sielkundige literatuur insinieër dat onderwysers se verstaan van hul leerders se gedrag in die klaskamer erg gemarginaliseerd is. Dit word algemeen gepostuleer dat onderwysers 'n fenomenale invloed op leerders en hulle gedrag het. 'n Onderwyser se begrip (verstaan) aangaande 'n leerder se gedrag of gebrek daaraan, gaan heel waarskynlik gepaard met verskeie sielkundige asook sosiale gevolge. Hierdie studie sal voorts probeer om vas te stelof onderwysers die behoefte/funksie van hul leerders se gedrag in die klaskamer verstaan. 'n Kwalitatiewe studie salonderneem word. 'n Self gekonstrueerde vraelys, asook fokus groep onderhoude, met die doelom sekere response op die vraelys uit te klaar, sal as instrument gebruik word. Die vraelys sowel as die fokus groep onderhoude sal aan onderwysers van twee hoofstroom primêre skole in Bonteheuwel geadminstreer word. Inhouds- en tematiese analise sal gebruik word om die data te analiseer. Die pnrnere doel van die studie sal wees om onderwysers se begrip rondom hulle leerders se moeilike/ontoepaslike/onaanvaarbare gedrag in die klaskamer vas te stel. Die verstaan (begrip) van leerders se gedrag in die klaskamer sal meer lig werp op intervensiestrategieë, asook gedragsbestuurprogramme wat deur onderwysers gebruik kan word.
Thesis (MEdPsych)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002.
Classroom management, Child psychology, Educational psychology, Behavior disorders in children, Conduct disorders in children, Dissertations -- Education, Theses -- Education