School governing bodies and their duty of staff appointments

Sigudla, Jeffrey P.
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since the introduction of the SA Schools Act in 1996 and institution of school governing bodies (SGBs), the Education Department began to experience serious problems regarding school governance. The incidents that happened in schools brought into question the legal role and authority of SGBs in the administrative actions they perform. This study aimed specifically at investigating the problems that arise in relation the appointment of teachers. Since SGBs play an important facilitating role in the process of staff appointments, their way of handling this duty was at the heart of the study. The research made use of literature studies, policy documents from the education department, viz. the SA Schools Act, Educators Employment Act, Education Labour Relations Council documents, and questionnaires and interviews with members of school governing bodies at a selection of local schools in the Western Cape Province. The findings led to the conclusion that most SGBs in the disadvantaged communities find it difficult to appoint new educators. Clearly SGBs are regarded as legitimate structures that should govern learning institutions and it is evident that one of their duties is to employ new educators, in line with the legal procedures stipulated in the various provincial education departments' policies. Perhaps the most important finding is that parents in the disadvantaged communities are illiterate. This is a significant problem because most of their duties require them to read documents from the education department so that they may know exactly how to perform their functions and responsibilities. Some of the problems encountered, however, are also caused by the ignorance and reluctance of parents to offer their services without being remunerated. These conclusions resulted in the formulation of specific recommendations for improving the role and implementation of SGBs. The recommendations are made for improving the role of SGBs as a whole as well as for specific capacity building relating to the needs of each stakeholder group. The overall emphasis of the study is thus on the recommendation for more effective training of SGBs.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die instelling van die SA Skolewet in 1996 en totstandkoming van skoolbeheerliggame, het die Onderwysdepartement ernstige probleme ten opsigte van skoolbeheer begin ervaar. Die insidente wat in skole plaasgevind het, het vrae laat ontstaan rakende die wettige rol en gesag van die beheerliggaam in die administratiewe handelinge wat hulle uitvoer. Die doel van die studie was om probleme rondom die aanstelling van opvoeders te ondersoek. Die sentrale fokus van die studie was op beheerliggame as fasiliterende liggame. Vir die doeleinde van die studie is daar gebruik gemaak van: literatuurstudie, beleidsdokumente van die Onderwysdepartement (die S A Skolewet, die Opvoedersdienswet en dokumentasie van die Raad vir Arbeidsverhoudinge in die Onderwys [RAVO]), sowel as vraeslyste en onderhoude met lede van die beheerliggame byenkele plaaslike skole in die Wes-Kaap. In die bevindinge is daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die meeste beheerliggame in die benadeelde gemeenskappe dit moeilik vind om nuwe opvoeders aan te stel. Beheerliggame is die wettige strukture wat opvoedkundige instansies moet beheer en een van hul pligte is om nuwe opvoeders aan te stel in ooreenstemming met die wetlike voorskrifte, soos vervat m die verskillende beleidsdokumente van die Onderwysdepartement. Die belangrikste bevinding is dalk dat ouers in die benadeelde gemeenskappe meestalongeletterd is. Dit skep probleme, aangesien daar van hulle verwag word om die dokumentasie van die Onderwysdepartement te lees, te verstaan en daarvolgens op te tree. Verdere probleme word veroorsaak deur 'n mate van onkunde asook deur die onwilligheid van ouers om sonder vergoeding hul dienste aan te bied. In die lig van hierdie gevolgtrekkings, is spesifieke aanbevelings gemaak ten einde die rol van beheerliggame te versterk, sowel as om die suksesvolle implementering van hierdie strukture, in terme van kapasiteitsbou en aandeelhouerbemagtiging meer doeltreffend te laat funksioneer. Die besondere klem van die aanbevelings is 'n indringende versoek vir die ontwikkeling van sinvolle, doeltreffende opleiding van persone wat in skoolbeheerliggame dien.
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002.
School boards -- South Africa, School management and organization -- South Africa, School supervision -- South Africa, Education -- Management, Teachers -- Selection and appointment -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Education, Theses -- Education