Extracellular polymer extraction and analysis from UASB granules and batch produced anaerobic granular sludge

Van Eeden, Alida Elizabeth
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The start-up period of Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB) reactors can significantly be reduced by enhancing the time-consuming granulation process through the batch cultivation of anaerobic granular sludge and thus seeding the reactor with this cultivated granular sludge, instead of raw anaerobic sludge. The precise mechanism for granule formation is not well known, but it is believed that extracellular polymers (ECP) play a critical role in the granulation process. Information on the precise role of ECP is also limited and no universal standardised method for ECP extraction is used at present. Therefore, comparison of results from different researchers has to be made with great caution. The objectives of this study were to evaluate an ECP extraction methód so as to optimise the extraction time, and then to correlate ECP composition of UASB granules with granule metabolic activity. The impact of changes in the environmental conditions, such as sludge sources (Paarl and Kraaifontein-sludge), carbon growth substrates (yeast extract lactate, glucose medium and fruit cocktail effluent) and batch cultivation techniques (roller-table and shake-waterbath), on batch cultivation studies was also evaluated in terms of granule activity, ECP composition and granule formation. A physical extraction method was used to quantify the ECP content of UASB granules from six different sources. The optimal extraction time was taken as the time needed before cell lysis took place, and before intracellular material started contributing to the ECP content of the granules. It was concluded that the ECP composition was affected by the wastewater composition fed to the original UASB reactors, It was also found that the activity test results could be used to indirectly predict the activity of the different trophic groups present in the UASB granules. A correlation was found between the activity test results and the total ECP content, and this showed that the granules with the higher ECP yields exhibited greater biogas (SB) and methanogenic (SM) activities. However, based on the activity data and total ECP content, it appeared that a protein:carbohydrate ratio < 1 affected the activity of the granules, The sludge source used as inoculum for batch cultivation of anaerobic granular sludge had a significant effect on granule formation. The use of a pre- granulated raw anaerobic sludge, such as the Paarl-sludge, resulted in a greater increase in granule numbers at the end of the cultivation period. The acetic acid activity profiles showed that the acetoclastic methanogens that are involved in initiation of granulation by nucleus formation, were inactive or absent in the different batch systems, with the exception of the roller-table glucose cultivated Kraaifontein-sludge (RKG) batch system. The addition of glucose as carbon growth substrate for batch cultivation not only enhanced the activity of the acidogenic population, but also led to the establishment to a greater variety of granule trophic groups within all the glucose cultivated batch systems. The addition of fruit cocktail effluent as carbon substrate enhanced ECP production in the Paarl-sludge cultivated batch systems. However, the addition of carbon substrates showed no discernible trend on granule formation itself. The roller-table cultivation technique resulted in the higher increase in granule numbers, and it was speculated that the more vigorous shake-waterbath technique probably shortened the contact time between biomass and substrate. Large variations in the ECP composition of the different batch systems were found, and these were ascribed to the composition heterogeneity of different sludges. For future studies, it is advisable to characterise sludge, both chemically and microbiologically before using as inoculum. The selection of an appropriate sludge inoculum should then lead to optimisation of the granulation process.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die aanvangsperiode van "Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed" (UASB) bioreaktors kan noemenswaardig verminder word deur die tydsame granulasie proses te versnel deur die vooraf lot-kweking van anaërobe granulêre slyk waarmee 'n reaktor dus geïnokuleer kan word in plaas van rou anaërobe slyk. Die presiese meganisme van granulevorming is nog nie welbekend nie, maar daar word beweer dat ekstrasellulêre polimere (ECP) wel 'n kritiese rol speel in die granulasie proses. Inligting; oor die presiese rol van ECP is ook nog beperk, en tans word daar nog , geen universele standaard metode vir ECP-ekstraksie gebruik nie. Gevolglik moet resultate vanaf verskeie navorsers met groot omsigtigheid vergelyk word. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was om 'n ECP ekstraksiemetode te evalueer deur die ekstraksietyd te optimiseer, en dan te korreleer met die ECP samestelling en metaboliese aktiwiteit van die UASB granules. Die inwerking van veranderinge in omgewingskondisies, soos slykbronne (Paarl- en Kraaifontein-slyk), koolstofbronne (gisekstrak-Iaktaat-, glukose-medium en vrugtekelkie-uitvloeisel) en lot-kwekingstegnieke (rol-tafel en skud-waterbad) op lot-kweking studies in terme van granule aktiwiteit, ECP-samestelling en granulevorming is ook ondersoek. 'n Fisiese ekstraksie metode is gebruik om die ECP-inhoud van UASB granules vanaf ses verskillende bronne te bepaal. Die optimale ekstraksietyd is geneem as die tyd benodig voordat sellise sal plaasvind en die intrasellulêre materiaal 'n bydrae sal lewer tot die ECP-inhoud van granules. Dit is afgelei dat die ECP-samestelling beïnvloed word deur die samestelling van die afvalwater wat vir die oorspronklike UASB bioreaktors gevoer is. Voorts is gevind dat die aktiwiteitstoets resultate indirek gebruik kan word vir die voorspelling van aktiwiteit van die verskillende trofiese groepe wat in die UASB granules teenwoordig is. 'n Korrelasie is gevind tussen die aktiwiteitstoets resultate en die totale ECP-inhoud wat aangedui het dat granules met hoër ECP opbrengste, beter biogas (SB) en metanogeniese (SM) aktiwiteit getoon het. Volgens die aktiwiteitsdata en totale ECP-inhoud het dit egter geblyk dat 'n proteïen:koolhidraat verhouding < 1 die aktiwiteit van granules beïnvloed het. Die slykbron wat as inokulum gebruik is vir lot-kweking van' anaërobiese granulêre slyk het 'n noemenswaardige invloed gehad op granulevorming. Die gebruik van 'n rou anaërobe slyk wat reeds 'n mate van granulasie getoon het, soos die Paarl-slyk, het 'n hoër toename in granule getalle aan die einde van die kwekingsperiode teweeg gebring. Die asynsuur aktiwiteitsprofiele het aangedui dat die asetoklastiese metanogene, wat hoofsaaklik betrokke is by inisiëring van granulasie deur kernvorming, onaktief of afwesig was in al die verskillende lotsisteme, met die uitsondering van die roltafel glukose-gekultiveerde Kraaifonteinslyk (RKG) lot-sisteem. Die toevoeging van glukose as koolstofbron vir lot-kweking het nie alleenlik die aktiwiteit van die asidogene populasie verhoog nie, maar het ook bygedra tot die vestiging van 'n groter verskeidenheid van granule trofiese groepe. Die toevoeging van vrugtekelkie-uitvloeisel as koolstofbron het die produksie van ECP verhoog in die Paarl-slyk gekweekte lot-sisteme. Die toevoeging van koolstofsubstrate het egter geen merkbare verandering getoon in granulasie opsigself nie. Die rol-tafel kwekingstegniek het 'n hoër toename in granule getalle tot gevolg gehad, en dit is gespekuleer dat die meer kragtige skud-waterbad tegniek waarskynlik die kontaktyd tussen die substraat en biomassa verkort het. Groot variasies is gevind in die ECP-samestelling van die verskillende lotsisteme, en dit is toegeskryf aan die heterogene samestelling van die verskillende slyke. Vir toekomstige navorsing is dit raadsaam om slyk voor gebruik as inokulum beide chemies en mikrobiologies te karakteriseer. Die keuse van 'n geskikte slyk-inokulum sal bydra tot die optimisering van die granulasie proses.
Thesis (MSc Food Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.
Factory and trade waste -- Biodegradation, Sewage sludge digestion, Polymers, Bioreactors, Microbial inoculants, Extracellular polymers, Dissertations -- Food science, Theses -- Food science