Die opgradering van informele nedersettings : Mangosuthu Village, Kwa-Zulu Natal as gevallestudie

Van Rooyen, Morné
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Squatting is a form of informal settlement. These types of settlements can be found throughout South Africa and represent the attempts of the poor to provide themselves with housing. The conceptualisation of this phenomenon has undergone many changes during its history. There were times when these settlements were demolished and the inhabitants relocated to other areas. This type of approach was unsuccessful due to the extent of the problem and because the new housing that was being provided was unaffordable. A paradigm shift led to the fact that the upgrading of informal settlements is seen as an approach with a brighter future. During this process optimal use is made of the existing structures for example buildings, economic activities and social ties, within the community. The approach is adaptable to the needs and situations of individual communities. The sustainability of an upgrading project depends to a great extent on the enthusiasm and cooperation of the community that is going to benefit. Public participation can be a difficult process, especially in poor communities. This instrument can however yield great results in providing a product that is to the satisfaction of the community as a whole. During the course of this assignment the following conclusions were made from the material that was studied: • The success of upgrading programmes are highly depended on the enthusiasm of the communities that are going to benefit. • This enthusiasm is greatly increased by a process of community participation. • Upgrading must be seen as a multi-phase process. • Upgrading of informal settlements can play an important role in addressing the backlog that exists in affordable housing. • The need for an Informal Housing Act exists. From the case study the following conclusions were made: • The study presents many advantages, like providing the community with basic services and the right to property. • Further some disadvantages concerning intensification were identified. • These disadvantages can be addressed by providing smaller erven and street fronts as well as lower standards concerning residential uses.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Plakkery is In tipe informele nedersetting. Hierdie nedersettings kom op groot skaal in Suid Afrika voor en verteenwoordig die pogings van die armer lede van die samelewing om hulself met behuising te voorsien. Die konseptualisering van hierdie tipe behuising het deur die geskiedenis deur baie fases gegaan. Daar was tye gewees wat informele nedersettings bloot gesloop en die inwoners op ander plekke hervestig is. Hierdie tipe benadering was egter nie geslaagd nie, aangesien die probleem van plakkery te groot was en die nuwe behuising was in die meeste gevalle onbekostigbaar. In Paradigma skuif het daartoe bygedra dat daar nou eerder op die opgradering van sulke nedersettings gefokus word. Hierdie benadering fokus daarop om die bestaande elemente in die gemeenskap byvoorbeeld geboue, ekonomiese bedrywighede en sosiale ondersteuningsnetwerke optimaal te benut. Dit is In buigsame proses wat aanpas by die behoeftes en omstandighede van die individuele gemeenskappe. Die volhoubaarheid van In opgraderinsprojek is afhanklik van die entoesiasme en samewerking van die gemeenskap wat daardeur bevoordeel gaan word. Publieke deelname is In moeilike proses, veral in armer gemeenskappe. Dit kan egter baie waardevolle resultate lewer wanneer dit In prod uk tot gevolg het wat deur die hele gemeenskap aanvaar word. In die verloop van hierdie werkstuk is daar uit die bestudeerde materiaal die volgende resultate afgelei, naamlik dat: • Die sukses van opgraderings van informele nedersettings grootliks afhanklik is van die entosiasme en samewerking van die gemeenskappe wat deur die proses bevoordeel gaan word.Hierdie samewerking word grootendeels bevorder deur In proses van open bare deelname. • Opgradering moet gesien word as In multi-fase proses. • Opgradering van informele nedersettings kan In groot rol speel om die tekort aan bekostigbare behuising aan te spreek. • Die opstel van In Informele Behuisingswet nodig is. Uit die gevaliestudie is die volgende bevindings gemaak: • Die studie hou baie voordele, byvoorbeeld dorpstigting, eiendomsreg en die voorsiening van basiese dienste, vir die inwoners van die gebied in. • Behalwe die voordele is daar ook nadele, soos die feit dat die konsep van verdigting nie in ag geneem word nie, identifiseer. • Hierdie nadeel kan deur kleiner erwe en straatfronte en laer standaarde vir nie residensiete gebruike aangespreek word.
Thesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.
Squatter settlements -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal, Community development -- South Africa -- Citizen participation, Urban renewal -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal, Dissertations -- Town and regional planning, Theses -- Town and regional planning