n Standaardiseringsondersoek na die MB-10 op graad sewe leerders in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie

Wium, Jacobus
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the light of the political dispensation and the subsequent changes in Education, it has become imperative to offer every learner the best possible opportunities with regard to the curriculum. This would imply that every learner has to be equipped with skills and values which would enable him / her to enter the Labour market with confidence in order to realise his / her potential and to become a useful member of society. It should also be kept in mind that learners would be able to exit from the schooling system at an earlier stage, as education is compulsory only to the level of grade nine. This presupposes that learners will have to receive information on different types of school, subject choices and further training as early as grade seven. Research also proves that interest is the most important factor in the choice of a career. Previously, the Kodus was the only standardised measuring instrument used to determine fields of interest of learners in grade seven, and it was only standardised in relation to white learners. The need for a measuring instrument, which will include all race groups (white, black and coloured) seems to be a pressing one at the moment. The purpose of the investigation was to standardise the MB-IOon learners in grade seven. In the process, special attention had to be devoted to cross-cultural factors, gender, interest in different occupations as well as the permanence and stability of this interest. The investigation was conducted in two phases. Firstly, 710 learners from 10 different schools (urban / rural) were tested. Afterward, English and Afrikaans glossary were compiled to accommodate black learners whose mother tongue was not English, and to make provision for regional variants of Afrikaans. Secondly, an experimental group, consisting of 1923 learners from 26 schools (urban / rural), was tested; during this process the new glossary were used. The results of the experimental group were then processed statistically. From the investigation the following become evident: • an analysis of the fields and items indicates that there are 14 items in four fields with an unacceptably low reliability - an inspection of content indicated that this could be attributed mainly to a lack of knowledge of the meanings of words, poor word comprehension, a lack of exposure and the general unfamiliarity of the activity. • that there are no significant differences in the ten fields of interest between white, coloured and black learners; such differences do, however, exist between the sexes. • That an investigation of validity confirmed that the MB-lO indeed measures levels of interest. On the basis of the result of the investigation and statistical analysis, the compilation of separate norms for boys and girls in grade seven went ahead. According to Meyer (1998) it is not desirable to change a questionnaire which is generally reliable, as it will not necessarily lead to an improvement. In the light of this we recommend that the MB-lO be used unmodified for grade sevens, as well as the glossary. In the case of the 14 "problem items", learners must be referred back to the glossary specifically in order to check the meanings of words.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die lig van die nuwe staatkundige bedeling en gepaardgaande veranderings op onderwysgebied, het dit noodsaaklik geword om elke leerder die beste moontlike geleenthede tot die kurrikulum te bied. Dit impliseer dat elke leerder sodanig met kennis, vaardighede en waardes toegerus moet word om tot die wêreld van werk te kan toetree ten einde 'n nuttige landsburger te word. Hiermee saam moet ook in gedagte gehou word dat leerders die skoolsisteem vroeër kan verlaat deurdat hulle verpligte onderwys slegs tot graad nege salontvang. Dit bring mee dat leerders alreeds ten minste in graad sewe leiding moet ontvang in terme van skooltipe, vakkeuses en verdere opleiding. Navorsing het ook bevind dat belangstelling die belangrikste faktor by beroepskeuse is. Voorheen was die Kodus die enigste gestandaardiseerde meetmiddel om graad sewe leerders se belangstelling te meet, maar dit was net op die wit leerders gestandaardiseer. Die noodsaak aan 'n meetmiddel wat al die rasgroepe (wit, bruin, swart) sou insluit, blyk 'n groot behoefte te wees. Die doel van die onderhawige ondersoek was om die MB-lOop graad sewe leerders te standaardiseer. In die proses moes daar deeglik met veral die kruiskulturele aspekte soos taal, die verskille tussen die geslagte, die permanentheid en stabiliteit van die belangstelling en die ouderdom van die jong leerders rekening gehou word. Die ondersoek is tweeledig uitgevoer. Eerstens is 710 leerders by 10 skole (stad I platteland) getoets waarna 'n Afrikaanse woordelys sowel as 'n Engelse woordelys saamgestel is om veral swart leerders te akkommodeer wie se moedertaal nie Engels is nie asook om vir streeksvariante in Afrikaans voorsiening te maak. Tweedens is 'n eksperimentele groep, bestaande uit 1923 leerders by 26 skole (stad I platteland), getoets waartydens van die woordelyste soos uit die loodsondersoek saamgestel, gebruik gemaak is. Hierdie eksperimentele groep se resultate is toe statisties verwerk. Uit die ondersoek blyk die volgende: • 'n ontleding van die velde en items toon dat daar 14 items in vier velde is waarvan die betroubaarheid onaanvaarbaar laag is - 'n inhoudelike inspeksie het aangetoon dat dit hoofsaaklik aan gebrek aan woordbetekenis, swak woordbegrip, gebrek aan blootstelling en onbekendheid met die aktiwiteit toegeskryfkan word • dat daar nie beduidende verskille op die tien belangstellingsvelde tussen die rasse wat hulle belangstelling betref bestaan nie, maar dat daar slegs verskille tussen geslagte bestaan • dat die geldigheidsondersoek bevestig dat die MB-lO inderdaad belangstelling meet. Op grond van die ondersoek se resultate is toe voortgegaan om gesamentlike norms vir seuns (wit, bruin, swart) asook vir meisies (wit, bruin, swart) op te stel. Volgens Meyer (1998) is dit nie wenslik om 'n vraelys wat in die geheel betroubaar is, te verander nie omdat dit nie noodwendig tot 'n verbetering lei nie. In hierdie lig beskou, word daar aanbeveel dat die MB-lO onveranderd vir graad sewes saam met die woordelyste wat toegevoeg is, gebruik word. By die betrokke 14 "probleemitems" moet die leerders ook pertinent na die woordelys terug verwys word om die woordbetekenisse na te gaan.
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.
Vocational guidance, Vocational interests -- Testing, Dissertations -- Psychology