Feasibility of using an ARM processor in a micro satellite on-board computer

Barnard, Arno
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: After SUNSAT was launched in 1999 and the possibility of developing another micro satellite emerged, areas of possible improvement were identified. Among the suggestions that emerged was the idea of developing an on-board computer for a micro satellite, using one of the new generation low power processors. The processor had to meet guideline specifications derived from the experience gained by researchers and students involved with the SUNSAT project. This thesis covers the process of choosing one of these processors and the subsequent testing of the feasibility of using it in an on-board computer. The feasibility test included comparing the processor's specifications to those required and designing an evaluation board for this processor to test its ease of use and programmability.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nadat SUNSAT in 1999 gelanseer is en die moontlikheid vir die ontwikkeling van In soortgelyke satellite ontstaan het, is areas vir verbetering op bestaande stelsels geidentifiseer. Die idee om In nuwe generasie verwerker met lae kragverbruik as In aanboord rekenaar te gebruik, was een moontlikheid wat ondersoek moes word. Die verwerker moes aan riglyne gemeet, word wat afgelei is uit die ondervinding wat deur navorsers en studente tydens die SUNSAT projek opgedoen is. Die tesis dek die proses wat gevolg is om In verwerker te kies en die daaropvolgende toetsing om die bruikbaarheid van die verwerker as In aanboord rekenaar te bepaal. As deel van die toetsing is die verwerker se spesifikasies teen die verlangde spesifikasies opgeweeg, en In evaluasiebord is ontwikkel om die gemaklikheid van die gebruik en programmering van die verwerker te bepaal.
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.
Artificial satellites -- Control systems, Interactive computer systems, Dissertations -- Electrical and electronic engineering, Theses -- Electrical and electronic engineering