Die selfkonsep van 'n groep adolessente leerders met liggaamlike gestremdhede

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the present South African context, it is essential that the potential of all individuals will be developed to the full. Increase in knowledge about the selfconcept of adolescent learners, as well as the influence of physical disability may contribute to better understanding and appreciation for each individual's needs. This could facilitate the inclusion of learners with physical disabilities in mainstream education. The short-term aim of this investigation was to examine the relationship between self-concept and physical disability in an adolescent group. The relationship between self-concept and physical disability with regard to gender and age was examined. The long-term aim of this investigation is to develop an understanding for "being different", especially within the inclusive school environment. The group investigated consisted of 108 English- and Afrikaans speaking learners, with and without physical disabilities, between the ages of 12 and 16 years. They received tuition at three different schools in the Western Cape within a specific socio-economic context. Thirty-six respondents attended a school for learners with special education needs, and seventy-two respondents attended secondary - and primary mainstream schools. For the purpose of this study, the Piers Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale (PHCSCS) was used. The results indicate that physical disability has implications for self-rated popularity, as well as the degree or denial of problematic behaviour, during the adolescent phase. Physical disability has no significant effect for the following subscales of the self-concept, namely physical appearance and features, intellectual and school status, anxiety, happiness and contentment, as well as the global self-concept. It was taken into account that the respondents probably compared themselves to members of their own group within specific school settings rather than to members of a non-stigmatised group. There is no significant gender difference in the subjective experience of physical disability. On three subscales of the self-concept, namely the global self-concept, physical appearance and features, as well as popularity a statistically significant decline in the self-concept of learners with physical disabilities between the ages of 12 and 16 years, occurs.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is dit noodsaaklik dat die potensiaal van alle individue maksimaal ontwikkel word. Meer kennis oor adolessente leerders se selfkonsep, asook die invloed van 'n liggaamlike gestremdheid daarop, kan moontlik 'n bydrae lewer tot groter begrip en waardering vir elke individu se behoeftes. Sodoende kan dit 'n bydrae lewer tot die suksesvolle insluiting van leerders met gestremdhede in hoofstroomskole. Die korttermyn doelstelling van hierdie studie was om die verband tussen die selfkonsep en liggaamlike gestremdheid by 'n groep adolessente te ondersoek. Die verband tussen selfkonsep en liggaamlike gestremdheid ten opsigte van geslag en ouderdom is ook ondersoek. Die langtermyn doelstelling van die studie is om begrip vir "andersheid" te ontwikkel, veral binne die insluitende skoolomgewing. Die ondersoekgroep het bestaan uit 108 Afrikaans- en Engelssprekende leerders, met en sonder liggaamlike gestremdhede, tussen die ouderdom van 12 en 16 jaar. Hulle het onderrig ontvang by drie verskillende skole in die Wes-Kaap binne 'n spesifieke sosio-ekonomiese konteks. Ses-en-dertig respondente het onderrig ontvang by 'n skool vir leerders met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes en twee-en-sewentig respondente het onderrig ontvang by 'n hoër- en 'n laer-hoofstroomskool. - Vir die doel van hierdie ondersoek is die Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale (PHCSCS)gebruik. Die resultate van die ondersoek dui daarop dat 'n liggaamlike gestremdheid implikasies het vir selfbeoordeelde populariteit, asook vir die mate waarin problematiese gedrag nie voorkom nie of ontken word, tydens die adolessente fase. Liggaamlike gestremdheid het geen beduidende effek op die volgende subskale van die selfkonsep nie: fisieke voorkoms en eienskappe, intellektuele en skoolstatus, angstigheid, geluk en tevredenheid, asook die globale selfkonsep. Die feit dat die respondente hulself waarskynlik met lede van hul eie groep binne spesifieke skoolverband, eerder as met individue van 'n nie-gestigmatiseerde groep, vergelyk het, word in ag geneem. Die twee geslagte se belewing van die gestremdheid verskil nie beduidend van mekaar nie. Ten opsigte van drie subskale van selfkonsep, naamlik die globale selfkonsep, fisieke voorkoms en eienskappe, asook populariteit, word die selfkonsep statisties beduidend meer negatief tussen die ouderdom van 12 tot 16 jaar by leerders met liggaamlike gestremdhede.
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2001.
Adolescent psychology, Self-actualization (Psychology), Self-esteem in adolescence, Self-perception in adolescence, Children with disabilities, Dissertations -- Education