An assessment of the feasibility of implementing a district health system in the City of Cape Town

Qomfo, Luyanda Shylock
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African Government of National Unity, through its adoption of the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) in 1994, committed itself to the development of a District Health System (DHS) based on the Primary Health Care (PHC) approach as enunciated at Alma Ata in 1978. This approach is the philosophy, on the basis of which many health systems around the world have been reformed, and out of which has developed the concept of the DHS. District-based health systems are now applied successfully in many countries, and have been adapted to a wide variety of situations, from developing countries on our own continent, to more sophisticated systems elsewhere. A National Health System based on this approach is as concerned with keeping people healthy as it is with caring for them when they become unwell. The concepts of "caring" and "wellness" are promoted most effectively and efficiently by creating decentralised comprehensive management units of the health system, adapted to cater for local needs. These units will provide the framework for our district-based health system, in which a district health authority can take responsibility for the health of the total population in its area. This population-based model allows for constant assessment and monitoring of health problems in the district, the facilities and system provided, and leads to efficient and rational planning. The researcher conducted interviews with key stakeholders, used structured questionnaires and observation and reviewed the relevant National and Provincial documentation and performed a literature review, to assess the feasibility of implementing DHS in the City of Cape Town. The main findings of this research are that the City of Cape Town does have the capacity to implement and sustain the DHS, that it is necessary to implement the DHS in the CCT in order to improve the quality of life of the population, and that there is enough personnel to take the process forward. The main recommendations include the need for training of staff, the promotion of communication and transparency in relation to finances and an ongoing support system from the provincial and national health departments. The research assignment has revealed that the move towards DHS has the blessings of the top management and politicians of the eeT. In addition, it has been established that the Cï.T possesses good infrastructure, technical skills, and human resource capacity. There is also willingness on the part of the unions to take this process forward. There are also challenges that need to be addressed, such as difficulties around staff attitudes, and the training of officials so as to accommodate the requirements of a comprehensive primary health care system, effective and efficient utilisation of available resources and change management.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-afrikaanse regering van nasionale-eenheid het met die aanvaarding van die Herekonstruksie en Ontwikkelings program (Hop) in 1994, Suid Afrika tot die ontwikkeling van gesondheidsdistrik stelstel verbind. Hierdie stelsel is gebaseer op die primere gesondheidsorg (POS) benadering wat te Alma Alta in 1978 geformuleer is. Die POS is die dryfkrag agter die verandering van verskeie gesondheidstelsels die wereld oor. Vanuit hierdie POS het die distriksgesondheidstelsel ontwikkel. Hierdie distriksgesondheidstelsel word tans suksesvol in baie lande toegepas en is aanpasbaar by verskillende omstandighede, van die Afrika kontinent tot meer gesofistikeerd stelsels op ander kontinente. 'n Nasionale gesondheidstelsel gebaseer op hierdie benadering is ewe besorg om mense gesond te hou asook om na hulle om te sien wanneer hulle ongesond is. Die begrippe van besorgheid en welsyn word effektief en doeltreffend bevorder deur die skepping van n gedesentraliseerde omvattende bestuurseenheid van die gesondheidstelsel wat aangepas is vir plaaslike behoeftebevrediging. Hierdie eenhede voorsien die raamwerk vir n eie distriksgebaseerde gesondheidstelsel, waarbinne die distriksgesondheidsregeerders verantwoordelikheid vir die gesondheid van die totale bevolking en hul gebied aanvaar. Hierdie bevolkingsgebaseerde model laat toe vir voortdurende beoordeling en monitering van gesondheidsprobleme binne die distrik. Dit bepaal watter beskikbare fasiliteite en dienste voorsien moet word sodat doeltreffende en rasionele beplanning kan geskied. Navorsing is onderneem om die lewensvatbaarheid van die implementering van n distrikgesondheidstelsal binne die stad Kaapstad, met 'n speciale fokus op finansiele en menslike hulpbronne, te bepaal. Die navorser het gebruik gemaak van 'n gestruktureerde vraelys en literatuurstudie om die lewensvatbaarheid tydens die implementering van die distrikgesondheidstelsel vir die stad Kaapstad te bepaal. Die belangrikste gevolgtrekking met betrekking tot hierdie navorsing is dat die stad Kaapstad oor die vermoe beskik om 'n distrikgesondheidstelsel te implementeer en te onderhou ten einde die lewenskwaliteit van mense te verseker. Daar is verder bevind dat daar genoeg personeel is om hierdie proses te voltooi. Die belangrikste aanbeveling sluit in die opleiding van personeel, die bevordering van kommunikasie en deursigtigheid in verhouding tot finansies en voortdurende ondersteuning vanaf provinsiale en nasionale gesondheids departmente.
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.
Public health -- South Africa -- Cape Town, Medical care -- South Africa -- Cape Town -- Cost effectiveness, Health planning -- South Africa -- Cape Town, Health facilities -- South Africa -- Cape Town -- Administration, Dissertations -- Public administration, Theses -- Public administration