Die insekplaagkompleks op sitrus te Vaalharts

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The cultivation of citrus in the Vaalharts region is a fairly recent development. With the introduction of this crop, an insect pest complex has also developed in this region. The presence of these pests was studied in eleven orchards, planted with three citrus cultivars and of varying ages, distributed in the 300 square kilometer cultivation area. Each orchard was inspected for the presence of pests by making use of two weekly sampling techniques. Ten of the most important insect pests of citrus in the Vaalharts region are briefly described by refering to their general appearance, life cycles, feeding and pest status and economic threshold. For every pest various control options, including operational systems, crop cultivation, biological and chemical control, are discussed and, where applicable, illustrated by means of graphic presentations. The seasonal presence of the cirtrus pests in the Vaalharts region is tabulated and discussed individually. With these details as background, an insect pest management programme for citrus in the Vaalharts region is compiled.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verbouing van sitrus in die Vaalhartsgebied is 'n redelik onlangse ontwikkeling. Gepaard met die nuwe gewas het daar ook 'n insekplaagkompleks in die gebied ontstaan. Die voorkoms van die plae is in elt .boorde, beplant met drie sitruskultivars en van verskillende ouderdomme, verspreid in die 300 vierkante kilometer verbouingsareaal, bestudeer. Elk van die boorde is weekliks ondersoek vir die aanwesigheid van plae deur van twee moniteringstegnieke gebruik te maak. Die tien belangrikste insekplae van sitrus in die Vaalhartsgebied word kortliks beskryf deur na hulle algemene voorkoms, lewenssiklus, voeding en plaagstatus en ekonomiese drempelwaardes asook die moniteringsmetodes wat gebruik is, te verwys. Vir elke plaag word beheeropsies, wat operasionele stelsels, gewasverbouing, bloloqlese en chemiese beheer insluit, bespreek wat, waar toepaslik, aan die hand van grafiese voorstellings gemustreer word. Die seisoenale aanwesigheid van die sitrusplae word in 'n tabel aangedui en individueel bespreek. Met die gegewens as agtergrond is 'n insekplaagbestuurprogram vir sitrus in die Vaalhartsgebied opgestel.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2000.
Citrus -- Diseases and pests -- South Africa -- Vaalharts, Citrus -- Diseases and pests -- Control -- South Africa -- Vaalharts, Insect pests -- Control -- South Africa -- Vaalharts, Insect pests -- South Africa -- Vaalharts