Development of an integrated fuel management system with the aid of CPLDs

Swanepoel, S.
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The need for a locally manufactured, cost-effective, fuel management system led to the design and development of a functional prototype. This thesis presents the design, development and full implementation of two functional prototypes. While field tests performed on the first prototype assisted in identifying necessary modifications, a need for greater complexity in support hardware was also identified. In order to comply with the cost-effective nature of the project, it was realized that this complexity could only be achieved via the implementation of a CPLD based system. Using Altera's Maxplus II design software, the CPLD code was synthesized according to the required specifications then simulated and analyzed On completion of the new CPLD based system, the second prototype, one of Altera's megacore functions is implemented and used as a substitute to an external hardware. All necessary modifications were successfully completed and the system was installed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die benodiging van 'n lokale vervaardigde, koste effektiewe brandstofbeheerstelsel het gelei tot die ontwerp en ontwikkeling van 'n funksionele prototipe. Hierdie tesis dek die ontwerp, ontwikkeling en volle implementasie van twee funksionele prototipes. Terwyl toetse op die eerste prototipe gebruik is om die nodige aanpassings te identifiseer, is daar ook besef dat daar meer komplekse hardeware onderstuening benodig word. Om die koste effektiewe aard van die projek te handhaaf, is daar gesien dat die nodige kompleksieteit alleenlik deur middel van die implementering van 'n 'CPLD' gebaseerde sisteem bereik kan word. Deur gebruik te maak van Altera se Maxplus II ontwerp sagteware, is die 'CPLD' kode met die nodige spesifiekasies gesintiseer, gesimuleer en geanaliseer. Na voltooing van die tweede prototiepe, die 'CPLD' gebaseerde sisteem, is een van Altera se megacore funksies geimplementeer en gebruik as 'n plaasvervanger vir eksteme hardware. AIle nodige aanpassings is suksesvol voltooi en die sisteem is geinstalleer.
Thesis (MEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000.
Programmable logic devices, Dissertations -- Electrical and electronic engineering, Theses -- Electrical and electronic engineering