Bounds for Ramsey numbers in multipartite graphs

Stipp, Eugene Heinz
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The notion of a classical graph theoretic Ramsey number is generalized by assuming that both the original graph whose edges are arbitrarily bicoloured and the monochromatic subgraphs to be forced are complete, balanced, multipartite graphs, instead of complete graphs as in the standard definition. Some small multipartite Ramsey numbers are found, while upper- and lower bounds are established for others. Analytic arguments as well as computer searches are used.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die klassieke grafiek-teoretiese definisie van ’n Ramsey getal word veralgemeen deur te aanvaar dat beide die oorspronklike grafiek, waarvan die lyne willekeurig met twee kleure gekleur word en die gesogte subgrafieke almal volledige, gebalanseerde, veelledige grafieke is, anders as in die standaard definisie. Klein veelledige Ramsey getalle word gevind, terwyl bo- en ondergrense vir ander daargestel word. Analitiese argumente en rekenaarsoektogte word gebruik.
Thesis (MSc.)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000.
Ramsey theory, Graph theory, Dissertations -- Applied mathematics, Theses -- Applied mathematics, Dissertations -- Mathematical sciences, Theses -- Mathematical sciences