Stress and coping amongst Black adolescents in the Western Cape : an explorative study

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: To examine the relationships between the intensity of stress, types of stressors and coping strategies of Black adolescents, a demographic questionnaire, the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Adolescent Stress Scale (ASSC) and Adolescent Coping Orientation for Problem Experiences (A-COPE) were completed by 102 Black adolescents attending a secondary school in Cape Town. The intensity of stress experienced by this sample was higher than that reported for most other samples. Scholastic and career problems were the most prevalent stressors and abuse at home the least prevalent stressor. Solving family problems was the most prevalent and seeking professional support the least prevalent coping strategy. There was no significant relationship between intensity of stress and types 9f stressors. A significant negative relationship was found between intensity of stress and ventilating feelings as a coping strategy. Originating from a former homeland significantly predicted a lower intensity of stress. It was concluded that the collectivist, supportive world-view known as ubunltu probably served as a buffer against stress in adolescents from a rural background.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Om die verbande tussen intensiteit van stres, tipes stressors en streshanteringstrategiee onder Swart adolessente te ondersoek, is 'n demografiese vraelys, die Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Adolescent Stress Scale (ASSC) en Adolescent Coping Orientation for Problem Experiences (A-COPE) deur 102 Swart adolessente in 'n sekondere skool in Kaapstad voltooi. Die intensiteit van stres wat deur hierdie steekproef ervaar is, was hoer as die wat vir die meeste ander steekproewe gerapporteer is. Skolastiese en beroepsprobleme was die stressors met die hoogste voorkomssyfer en mishandeling tuis die stressor met die laagste voorkomssyfer. Die oplossing van gesinsprobleme was die mees algemene streshanteringstrategie, terwyl verkryging van professionele hulp die minste as streshanteringstrategie gebruik is. Daar was geen beduidende verband tussen intensiteit van stres en tipes stressors nie. 'n Beduidende negatiewe verband is tussen intensiteit van stres en ventilering van gevoelens as streshanteringstrategie aangetref Oorsprong uit 'n vorige tuisland was 'n beduidende voorspeller van 'n laer intensiteit van stres. Die gevolgtrekking is bereik dat die kollektivistiese, ondersteunende wereldbeskouing bekend as ubuntu waarskynlik as buffer teen stres gedien het in adolessente met 'n landelike agtergrond.
Thesis (M.A.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
Stress in adolescence, Adjustment (Psychology) in adolescence -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Psychology