Logistieke beplanning met behulp van objek-georienteerde simulasie

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: This report gives an overview of the combined use of object-oriented programming and simulation, with the objective of planning and controlling the logistic business functions. A case study to explain the application and a software package named SIMPLE++ to access the calculation is included. This package contains a simulation function to emulate the process by means of defined objects and their interaction. An object approach is used in the analysis of the reception and distribution function of a courier company, in order to evaluate the process: Results from the simulation study showed an imbalance in the capacities of the workstations. The company's utilisation of most of its resources is fairly good, but it is possible to obtain a more efficient process by restructuring its activities. This model is the very first electronic emulation that can be used as a planning, tool for the company's business activities, and in that way it fills a gap in its current planning function. The complete simulation model only reaches its potential when used as a strategic operational tool, by forecasting the expected results of changes in the working methods and physical structure.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk bied 'n uiteensetting van die gekombineerde gebruik van objekgeorienteerde prograrnmering en simulasie, met die doel om 'n ondememing se logistieke funksies te beplan en te bedryf. 'n Gevallestudie word gebruik om die toepassing daarvan te verduidelik, en die berekeninge vir die simulasie word ondersteun deur rekenaarprograrnmatuuf bekend as SIMPLE++. Die program bied 'n simulasiebenadering vir die stelselnabootsing deur middel van objekformulering en interaksie tussen objekte . 'n Objekbenadering word gebruik in die analise van 'n koeriermaatskappy se ontvangste- en verspreidingsaanleg, met die oog op evaluering van die huidige stelsel. Die simulasieresultate het aangetoon dat daar 'n wanbalans in die kapasiteitsbelading van sornmige werkstasies bestaan. Die maatskappy se benutting van die meeste van sy hulpbronne is redelik goed, maar deur 'n herstrukturering van aktiwiteite is dit moontlik om 'n meer doeltreffende stelsel te verkry. Die model is die eerste elektroniese voorstelling en beplanningshulp beskikbaar van die maatskappy se aktiwiteite, en vul 'n leemte in hulle beplanningsfunksie. Die voltooide model bereik sy potensiaal wanneer dit gebruik word as strategiese operasionele gereedskapstuk, waarmee die verwagte resultate van aanpassings in die werkswyse en fisiese veranderinge voorspel kan word.
Study project (M.Phil.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
Business logistics -- Planning, Business logistics -- Planning -- Computer simulation, Object-oriented programming (Computer science), Express service -- South Africa -- Cape Town, Dissertations -- Transport economics