Internal variable formulation for the plastic analysis of plane frames

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study provides a comprehensive investigation into the field of advanced analysis of steel portal frames containing truss elements and frame elements with rigid, semi-rigid or pinned connections. Included in the study is the application of advanced software principles in the area of structural mechanics. General problems addressed in mechanics may concern stress analysis, heat conduction, lubrication, electric and magnetic fields, and many others. The focus of this study is in the field of structural analysis. The advancement of technology is important for the increased efficiency of the analysis process. It leads to a saving of time, which has direct financial benefits and it improves the accuracy of the structural analysis, which results in savings on the cost of the structure. This results in additional pressure on engineers to provide optimally designed structures in less time which in tum leads to an increase in the demand for advanced tools and technology. The two areas addressed in this study, namely advanced analysis and software technology are dealt with separately at first to investigate and extend the application of each and then they are finally combined in the form of the software package, Quark, developed as part of the thesis. Methods to extend the current functionality and accuracy of the analysis algorithms in the structural analysis discipline are investigated and validated. This is followed by a discussion of the theory of Object-Oriented Programming with reference to its application in the field of structural engineering. The philosophy behind, and the features of the software, Quark are discussed next. Finally, after some concluding remarks, possible future developments are discussed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie verskaf 'n omvattende ondersoek na die gevorderde analise van staal portaal rame wat beide raam en vakwerk elemente bevat, asook raam elemente met 'rigid', 'semi-rigid' en 'pinned' konneksies. Ingesluit in die studie is die toepassing van gevorderde sagteware beginsels op die gebied van struktuur meganika. Die toepassing van die hierdie meganika sluit in stress analise, hitte oordraging, lubrikasie, elektriese- en magneet velde en vele ander. Die fokus van hierdie studie is slegs in die veld van struktuur analise. Die vordering van tegnologie is belangrik vir die grooter effektiwiteit behaal in die analise prosess. Dit lei tot 'n be sparing van analise tyd, wat 'n direkte besparing van kostes is en die verhoogde akkuraatheid van die ontwerp van strukture wat weereens lei tot 'n besparing in die koste van die struktuur. Hierdie faktore leidaartoe dat grooter eise geplaas word op ontwerp ingenieurs om optimaal ontwerpde strukture in korter tye te verskaf. Dit het die gevolg dat ingenieurs 'n grooter behoefde het aan gevorderde analise toerusting. Die fokus van hierdie studie naamlik gevorderde struktuur analise en sagteware tegnologie word eerstens afsonderlik behandel om die toepassing van beide te ondersoek en verleng en dan word die twee gekombineer om die resultate in die form van Quark, die sagteware ontwikkel as deel van die tesis, te produseer. Metodes om die bestaande struktuur analise algoritmes se funksionaliteit en akkuraatheid te bevorder word ondersoek en voorstelle word gemaak en bewys. Daarna word die teorie agter "Object-Oriented Programming" ondersoek en die toepassings
Thesis (M.Ing.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
Structural frames, Structural analysis (Engineering), Steel portal frames, Dissertations -- Civil engineering