A wideband distributed data acquisition system for high voltage applications

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis describes a data acquisition system topology that has been optimised for measuring wide band signals in high voltage (HV) environments. A brief background is given on the various high voltage applications where a wide band acquisition system would be useful. A comparison is made between the developed system and the available commercial equipment that would otherwise be used for these applications. The topology of the acquisition system is of a distributed nature in the sense that a digiti sing probe will be implemented close to an HV transducer. The digitised data is then transmitted serially via a high-speed optical fibre link to an intelligent acquisition unit, which is also situated in the external substation environment. The acquisition unit accommodates up to two channels and is controlled via an RS-232 link from a host computer, which will typically be located in the substation. The data acquisition system was constructed and tested in a laboratory environment. A software control program was developed for controlling the acquisition hardware. A number of analog input signals were captured and downloaded to the host Pc. During this process, an analysis was made on the performance and the validity of the acquired data. The relatively low cost and versatility of the developed system make it suitable for a wide variety of applications in both industrial and research environments.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis beskryf 'n wyeband dataversamelingstelsel wat geoptimeer is vir wyebandmetings in hoogspanningsomgewings. 'n Kort agtergrond word gegee oor die verskeidenheid toepassings waar so 'n stelsel gebruik kan word. Daar word ook 'n vergelyking getref tussen die ontwikkelde stelsel en die toerusting wat beskikbaar is op die kommersiele mark wat andersins gebruik word vir hierdie toepassings. Die dataversamelingstelsel het 'n verspreide topologie in die opsig dat 'n versyferende probe reg by die hoogspanningsomsetter geinstalleer word. Die versyferde data word dan via hoespoed optiese vesel serieel na 'n intelligente ontvangseenheid gestuur wat ook buite die substasie gelee is. Die ontvangseenheid kan tot twee kanale akkommodeer en word beheer vanaf In persoonlike rekenaar, tipies gelee in 'n substasie, via In RS-232 verbinding. Die stelsel is gebou en daarna getoets in 'n laboratorium. Die stelsel is beheer met behulp van 'n sagteware program wat ontwikkel is. Verskeie analoog seine is.versyfer en gestoor met die stelsel en afgelaai na 'n rekenaar. Die stelsel se verrigting asook die geldigheid van die versamelde data is geanaliseer tydens hierdie proses . Die ontwikkelde stelsel is relatief goedkoop en prograrnmeerbaar, wat dit geskik maak vir 'n groot verskeidenheid toepassings beide in industriele- asook in navorsingsomgewings.
Thesis (M.Ing.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
Electric power distribution -- High tension, High voltage environment, Data acquisition system topology, Wide band signals, Dissertations -- Electronic engineering