Assessing the attitudes and perceptions of councillors and officials on integrated development planning : a case study-the Municipality of Stellenbosch

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Local Government in South Africa had undergone radical changes since the first democratic Local Government elections were held in 1995 and 1996. It was generally known that Local Government in South Africa during the apartheid era was racially fragmented. This resulted in historical and socio-economic imbalances. The emergence of a negotiated settlement for a new dispensation paved the way for a process of developmental local government in order to enhance the quality of life of the people. Challenging approaches confronted municipalities to utilise the options and tools at their disposal to make themselves more developmental. Integrated Development Planning (IDP) as a statutory obligation on all municipalities is considered pivotal to the planning of Local Govemment within post-apartheid South Africa. It is a vehicle to work in close collaboration with the local community to find sustainable ways to meet the socio-economic and material needs of all residents. Fundamental transformation is needed to bring about this new vision. Municipalities will have to be proactive and innovative in order to facilitate the change and secure the maximum synergy between the different roleplayers at the local level and the available resources. Councillors and municipal officials have to work together with the public, as stakeholders and partners, to identify and address new priorities. Against this backdrop the study aims to assess the attitudes and perceptions of councillors and officials with regards to lOP within the Municipality of Stellenbosch.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Plaaslike Regering in Suid-Afrika het sedert die eerste demokratiese verkiesing in 1995 en 1996 radikale veranderinge ondergaan. Oit is algemeen bekend dat tydens die apartheidsera plaaslike regering in Suid-Afrika op grond van ras gefragmenteer was. Oit het aanleiding gegee tot historiese en sosio-ekonomiese wanbalanse. Die beweging na 'n onderhandelde skikking vir 'n nuwe bedeling het die weg gebaan vir 'n proses van ontwikkelingsgebaseerde plaaslike regering wat die lewensgehalte van die mense kan verhoog. Munisipaliteite word met uitdagende benaderings gekonfronteer om die keuses tot hul beskikking so te benut dat hulle hulleself kan ontwikkel. Die Ge"integreerde Ontwikkelingsplan (GOP) as 'n statutere verpligting op aile munisipaliteite, staan sentraal ten opsigte van plaaslike regeringsbeplanning in post-apartheid Suid-Afrika. Oit is 'n voertuig vir noue samewerking met die plaaslike gemeenskap ten einde volgehoue maniere te vind om die sosioekonomiese en materiele behoeftes van aile inwoners te bevredig. Fundamentele transformasie is nodig om die nuwe visie te laat realiseer. Munisipaliteite moet dus proaktief en innoverend wees ten einde die veranderinge te fasiliteer, en die maksimum samewerking tussen die verskillende rolspelers op plaaslike vlak en die beskikbare hulpbronne te verseker. Raadslede en amptenare moet saam met die publiek as aandeelhouers en vennote werk om die nuwe prioriteite aan te spreek. Teen hierdie agtergrond het hierdie studie dit ten doel om die houdings en persepsies van raadslede en amptenare te bepaal ten opsigte van 'n GOP in die Munisipaliteit van Stellenbosch.
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
Local government -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch -- Officials and employees -- Attitudes, Local government -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch -- Planning, Dissertations -- Public administration