Evaluation of a HIV peer education training program

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During July 2004 the HIV program office of Stellenbosch University hosted its first HIV peer-education training program. The aim of the training program was to promote HIV awareness and knowledge, and to encourage safer sexual practices amongst students through empowering a group of students to serve their peers as informal educators, role models, referral sources and activists. The research study was conducted as a results-based program evaluation study and aimed to successfully answer the following main research question: "To what extent was the Stellenbosch University HIV peer education training program successful or not) in achieving its intended outcomes?" The main objective of the study was thus to determine whether the peer education training program had achieved its stated outcomes·, and has had a positive effect on the participants, especially with regard to their knowledge, attitudes and behavior. In order to answer the research questions successfully, a mixed-methods approach was. employed, using both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis. Data were collected in two phases, before and after the training intervention. Research instruments used in the study included questionnaires, interviews, portfolios and observation. The qualitative data was analyzed by means of content analysis and for the analysis of the quantitative data Statistica Version 7.1 computer software was employed. The findings of the research study showed that, even though certain limitations were identified and recommendations for improvement could be made, the program was successful in achieving its stated short term outcomes. Changes in the participants' knowledge as well as reported changes in attitudes and behavior, in line with· the desired program outcomes, were also indicated. The results from the evaluation will be used in planning, changing and improving future programs. The results will also be used to demonstrate to the program staff and funders that the program was successful, and to provide feedback to the participants and the other stakeholders.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die MIV Programkantoor van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch het gedurende Julie 2004 hul eerste MIV portuurleier-opleidingsprogram geloods. Die program het die bevordering van 'n groter bewustheid en kennis van MIV onder studente ten doel gehad en wou ook studente aanmoedig om veiliger seksuele gedrag te oorweeg. Hiertoe is 'n groep studente bemagtig om hul portuurgroep as informele opvoeders, rolmodelle, verwysingsagente en aktiviste te bedien. 'n Resultaat/uitkomsgebaseerde programevalueringstudie is uitgevoer ten einde die volgende oorkoepelende navorsingsvraag te beantwoord: "Tot hoe 'n mate was die beoogde uitkomste van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se MIV portuurleieropleidingsprogram suksesvol bereik?" Die hoofdoel van die evalueringstudie was dus om te bepaal of die portuurleier-opleidingsprogram die beoogde uitkomste bereik het en of dit bygedra het tot positiewe veranderings in die deelnemers, veral aangaande hul kennis, houdings en gedrag. Seide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data-insamelings- en -analiseringsmetodes is gebruik. Data is in twee opeenvolgende fases ingesamel en ook voor en na afloop van die opleidingsintervensie. Databronne het vraelyste, onderhoude en observasie ingesluit, asook portefeuljes wat studente tydens die opleiding moes byhou. Die kwalitatiewe data is met behulp van "content analysis" geanaliseer en Statistica Weergawe 7.1 rekenaarsagteware is gebruik in die analisering van die kwantitatiewe data. Die bevindings van die studie het getoon dat, alhoewel daar sekere leemtes was en aanbevelings gemaak kon word, die program wel die beoogde korttermyn uitkomstes behaal het deur deelnemers se kennis, houdings en rapporteerde gedrag ten gunste van die programuitkomste te be'lnvloed. Die resultate van die navorsingstudie sal aangewend word in die beplanning en verbetering van toekomstige programme. Dit sal ook gebruik word om aan die programpersoneel en befondsers te demonstreer dat die program suksesvol was. Laastens sal dit dien as terugvoering aan deelnemers aan die studie en ander rolspelers.
Thesis (MEd) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2007.
Universiteit van Stellenbosch, AIDS (Disease) -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch, College students -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch -- Attitudes, Peer counseling of students -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch -- Evaluation, HIV infections -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch -- Public opinion, Dissertations -- Education