Perspektiewe oor effektiwiteit vir polisiering : polisie-eenhede in Louis Trichardt

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die effektiwiteit van 'n openbare organisasie is belangrik, veral in 'n demokrasie, omdat die politici verantwoordbaar is aan die kiesers. Daar word gekyk na verskillende benaderings tot effektiwiteit van 'n organisasie. Die doelwitbereikings- en stelselbenadering beklee die dominante posisies, gevolg deur die strategiese belanghebbende- en mededingende waarde benaderings wat herhaalde teenstrydighede reflekteer. Die doelwitbenaderings definieer organisasie-effektiwiteit as die bereiking van doelwitte terwyl die stelselbenaderings op die proses fokus - organisasie-effektiwiteit word gedefinieer as die vermoe om insette te prosesseer, die uitsette te kanaliseer en om stabiliteit en balans in die stelsel te handhaaf. 'n Meer resente aanbieding is die strategiese belanghebbende benadering. Die benadering definieer organisasieeffekti witeit aan die suksesvolle wyse waarop die organisasie aan die behoeftes van die belange groepe in die omgewing voldoen. 'n Finale perspektief is gebaseer op die mededingende-waarde benadering wat bestaan uit 'n integrale raamwerk waarin alle veranderlikes se verwantskap tot mekaar, asook die rol wat persepsies speel vergelyk word. Die benadering poog om die groot hoeveelheid kriteria vir organisasie effektiwiteit te sintetiseer in vier modelle. 'n Ondersoek na die effektiwiteit van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) in Louis Trichardt is gedoen. 'n Holistiese benadering tot polisiering behoort gevolg te word ten einde byte dra tot die verhoging van die effektiwiteit van polisiering. Ter afsluiting word verskeie kriteria vir effektiewe polisiering ge!dentifiseer en blyk dit dat die mededingende-waardebenadering geneem behoort te word om te bepaal of polisie-eenhede effektief is al dan nie.
ENGLISH SUMMARY : The effectiveness of public organizations are of utmost importance, especially in a democracy. Different approaches to organizational effectiveness were investigated in order to determine criteria for effectiveness. The dominant positions, are the goal-attainment and systems approaches, followed by the strategie-constituencies and competing-values approaches. The goalattainment approach defines organizational effectiveness as the accomplishment of ends. The systems approach focuses on the process itself - defining organizational effectiveness as the ability to acquire inputs, process these inputs, channel to outputs, and maintain stability and balance in the system. A more recent offering is the strategic-constituencies approach. It defines organizational effectiveness as satisfying the demands of those constituencies in the environment from which the organization requires support for its continued existence. The final perspective is one based on competing values, it exist out off a integrative framework where within all variables are related, including perseptions. It has sought to synthesize the large number of organizational effectiveness criteria into four models. An investigation regarding the effectiveness of the South African Police Service (SAPS) in Louis Trichardt were done. A more holistic approach to policing is deemed necessary to increase the effectiveness of the police. In conclusion, various criteria for effective policing are identified and it seems that the competing-values approach should be used to determine whether police-units are effective or not.
Assignment (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006.
South African Police Service -- Louis Trichardt (South Africa), Organizational effectiveness, UCTD