'n Ondersoek na die voorkoms en behandeling van fisiese probleme onder musiekstudente in die Wes-Kaap

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In Suid-Afrika, soos in menige ander lande, is daar talle instrumentaliste, o.a musiekstudente, wat ly aan fisiese probleme wat hul uitvoerings of studies bei"nvloed. Die speel van 'n instrument vereis ongewone liggaamsposisies, maar musici kan hul instrumente stresvry en beseringsvry beoefen d.m.v 'n gebalanseerde lewenstyl en die intelligente aanleer en oefen van repertorium. Musici is in baie opsigte soos atlete, en die speel van 'n instrument stel ewe hoe fisiese en psigiese eise aan die individu. Die primere doel van hierdie studie is om meer duidelikheid te kry oor die werklike omvang en aard van fisiese probleme spesifiek onder musiekstudente in SA. Om hierdie doel te verwesenlik, is 'n kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetode gebruik waarin twee vraelyste as teoretiese basis dien. Die teikengroepe vir hierdie studie bestaan uit musiekstudente en musiekdosente in die praktiese vakke aan die universiteite van Kaapstad en Stellenbosch. Deel van die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die oorsake van hierdie fisiese probleme te identifiseer met die oog op voorkoming en behandeling. In geheel het die studie getoon dat al die studente aan fisiese probleme ly, hetsy pyn, styfheid of 'n meer ernstige besering. Die aard van hierdie fisiese probleme is meer algemene probleme as instrument-spesifieke probleme, met oefengewoontes en postuur as die hoof oorsake. Dit het voorgekom asof daar 'n behoefte is tot 'n radikaal ander benadering t.o.v die oefen en aanleer van repertorium sodat dieselfde pyn of besering nie jaarliks voorkom nie. Leemtes wat sterk gefigureer het in hierdie studie is veral t.o.v oefengewoontes en die studente se kennis in hierdie veld. Musiekdosente speel 'n groot rol, nie net in die voorkoming en behandeling van fisiese probleme nie, maar ook die oordra van kennis aan hul studente. Dit sal lei tot 'n drastiese vermindering in die omvang van fisiese probleme in die toekoms.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many instrumentalists, in South Africa and abroad, suffer from physical problems that influence their recitals and studies. Music students are included in this group. Playing an instrument requires some uncommon positions of the body, but musicians are able to play their instruments free of stress or injury by means of a balanced lifestyle, and learning and exercising a repertory intelligently. Musicians are in many respects like athletes, and playing an instrument poses equally high physical and psychological challenges to the individual. The primary aim of this study was to obtain more clarity regarding the real scope and nature of physical problems specifically amongst music students in SA. To achieve this aim a quantitative research method was used with two questionnaires serving as the theoretical basis. The target groups for this study were drawn from music students and music lecturers in the practical subjects at the universities of Cape Town and Stellenbosch. Part of the aim of this research was to identify the causes of these physical problems with a view to preventing and treating them. Overall the study indicated that all students are afflicted by physical problems, be it aches and pains, stiffness or some more serious ailments or injuries. The nature of these physical problems relates more to general problems than to instrument­ specific problems, with exercising habits and posture being the main causes. It also appeared that there is a need for a radically different approach regarding practising and learning of a new repertory in order to avoid the same aches and pains or injuries occurring every year. Deficiencies figuring strongly in this study relate especially to exercising habits and the students' knowledge in this field. It also appeared that lecturers play an important role, not only in preventing and treating physical problems, but by being primarily responsible for conveying knowledge to their students. This would lead to a drastic reduction in the scope of physical problems in future.
Thesis (M.Mus) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2005.
College students -- Music -- Performance -- Health aspects, Music -- Physiological effect, Occupational diseases, College students -- Music -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Music students -- Wounds and injuries, UCTD