Insightful agility' the regeneration of the Foundation for Community Work : a case study of a nonprofit organisation in the Western Cape

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is not and cannot be business as usual for any organisation; from charities, developmental institutions to multi nationals. The operational environment of organisations all over the world is affected and often infected by change. The need for change is linked to the need for new ways of looking at the external world. The way in which organisations adapt and respond to such changes, indicates the levels of maturity and awareness within organisations. The ability to adapt and respond to external stimuli to effect change in the environment is a process that goes beyond the learning organisation paradigm. It is when the organisation regenerates itself to remain viable and in so doing, "make(s) a positive net contribution to the viability and development of the larger whole of which it forms part", that organisational sustainability is captured (Groenewald, 2003:1 ). Bringing about change that is relevant and sustainable is context dependent. Herein lies the problem for today's Non Government Organisations (NGO's) that seek relevant and appropriate responses to an ever-changing operational context. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate a possible path forward for an NGO of longstanding, which, in realising the inadaptability of its structure, sought to be responsive in an apt, agile and insightful way. Three objectives were dissected from the overall aim and used as guiding pillars in this research process. These were: To identify options in securing the FCW's future existence. To assess the feasibility of each identified option against the criterion of 'Insightful Agility', meaning how best would the FCW change or adapt itself to remain relevant and viable in the social development arena. To propose a route for change in the FCW based on the feasibility assessment of the future options. The Foundation for Community Work is a NonProfit Organisation of over thirty years standing, that has incubated the idea of transforming to a Community Development Foundation. By applying the work by Markus Schwaninger, Intelligent Organisations (10), an integrative theoretical framework, the organisation's journey is briefly sketched from its inception during the turbulent period of Apartheid South Africa, through to 1994 and the post Apartheid era. In summary and according to Groenewald (2003), the 10 has at its core, the ability of self-control of its activities; the structure for its viability and development and the internal interactive behaviour of its stakeholders. The FCW's strength was always its engagement with communities and how in touch it remained with community needs and aspirations. The challenge now is to expand on the FCW's community networks and connectedness and to establish the exact boundaries and scope of its development interventions. In developing a Community Development Foundation, (CDF) it is envisaged that such a structure would be flexible, dynamic and adaptable enough to address the poverty needs of marginalised communities in the Western Cape. Poverty reduction programmes, have made little, if any, impact on the living conditions of severely impoverished communities in which the Foundation for Community Work operates and major social inadequacies have not been wiped out. The lack of coherent infra structure for effective and efficient resource mobilisation has not unlocked available resources, but has rather slowed down the pace of grant-making. The intended mission of the CDF is to bring resources closer to communities by working together with marginalised communities in the critical areas of need around poverty reduction with the focus on youth development; HIV/AIDS; and the mobilisation of capacity building and utilisation of local resources within civil society structures. This study is as much a testimony to past experiences, and of transformation processes highlighting growth points, initiatives and lessons learned, bringing into play the present, as the Foundation for Community Work moves on to face new challenges of renewal and regeneration.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alles verloop nie soos normaal vir organisasies nie en dit kan ook nie: van liefdadigheidsorganisasies, ontwikkelingsgerigte instellings tot multinasionale instellings. Die operasionele omgewing van organisasies regoor die wereld word deur verandering geraak en daardeur beinvloed. Die behoefte aan verandering is gekoppel aan die behoefte aan nuwe maniere om na die eksterne wereld te kyk. Die wyse waarop organisasies aanpas by en reageer op veranderinge, dui op volwassenheid en 'n hoe vlak van bewustheid. Die vermoe om by eksterne stimuli aan te pas en daarop te reageer ten einde verandering te bewerkstellig, is 'n proses wat verder as die leerorganisasieparadigma strek. Dit is wanneer die organisasie sigself herskep om lewensvatbaar te bly en, deur dit te doen "make(s) a positive net contribution to the viability and development of the larger whole of which it forms part", dat organisatoriese volhoubaarheid behaal word (Groenewald, 2003:1 ). Die totstandkoming van relevante en volhoubare verandering is afhanklik van die konteks. Hierin is daar vir Nie-Regeringsorganisasies (NRO's) wat relevante en gepaste reaksies soek vir 'n steeds wisselende operasionele konteks 'n probleem opgesluit. Die doel van hierdie ondersoek is om 'n moontlike pad vorentoe aan te dui vir 'n lank bestaande NRO, wat, as gevolg van 'n besef van die onaanpasbaarheid van die struktuur daarvan, poog om op 'n toepaslike, behendige en insigryke wyse hieraan gehoor te gee. Orie oogmerke is uit die oorkoepelende doel afgelei en as rigtinggewende steunpilare gebruik: Om opsies aan te dui ten einde die bestaan van die Stigting vir Gemeenskapswerk (SGW) in die toekoms te verseker; Om die uitvoerbaarheid van elke gei"dentifiseerde opsie te beoordeel aan die hand van die kriterium van "lnsigryke Behendigheid':· Om 'n roete vir verandering in die SGW te kan voorstel soos gebaseer op die assessering van die uitvoerbaarheid van opsies vir die toekoms. Die SGW, 'n organisasie sander winsbejag vir meer as dertig jaar, het die idee van transformering tot 'n Community Development Foundation (GDF) ontwikkel. Deur die toepassing van die werk van Markus Schwaninger, die lntelligente Organisasies (10), 'n geintegreerde teoretiese raamwerk, is die organisasie se vordering van die stigting daarvan gedurende die stormagtige tydperk van Suid-Afrika tydens apartheid tot by die tydperk na 1994 kortliks geskets. Ter opsomming en volgens Groenewald (2003) le daar aan die kern van die 10 die vermoe tot selfbeheer oor sy aktiwiteite; die struktuur vir lewensvatbaarheid en ontwikkeling; en die interne interaktiewe gedrag van die belanghebbendes daarvan. Die SGW se sterk punte was nog altyd die betrokkenheid daarvan by gemeenskappe en die mate waartoe dit met behoeftes en aspirasies van die gemeenskap in voeling gebly het. Die uitdaging is om die SGW se gemeenskapsnetwerke en samehangendheid uit te brei en die presiese omvang van die ontwikkelingsgerigte intervensies daarvan te vestig. Met die ontwikkeling van 'n CDF word daar beoog dat sodanige struktuur soepel, dinamies en aanpasbaar genoeg sal wees om die armoedebehoeftes van gemarginaliseerde gemeenskappe in die Wes-Kaap die hoof te bied. Programme vir die vermindering van armoede maak min, indien enige, impak op die lewensomstandighede van erg verarmde gemeenskappe waarbinne die SGW werk en belangrike maatskaplike tekorte is nog nie uitgewis nie. Die gebrek aan 'n samehangende infrastruktuur vir doeltreffende en doelmatige hulpbronmobilisering het nog nie beskikbare hulpbronne ontsluit nie, maar het eerder die pas waarteen skenkings gemaak word, vertraag. Die voorgenome missie van die CDF is om hulpbronne nader aan gemarginaliseerde gemeenskappe in burgerlike samelewingstrukture te bring deur saam te werk in die kritieke areas van nood ten einde armoede te verlig met die fokus op die ontwikkeling van die jeug; MIVNigs; en die mobilisering van kapasiteitsbou en benutting van plaaslike hulpbronne. Hierdie studie is in ewe groat mate 'n bewys van ervarings in die verlede, en van transformasieprosesse wat groeipunte, inisiatiewe en lesse wat geleer is, beklemtoon deur op die hede klem te le, namate die Stigting vir Gemeenskapswerk verder beweeg en nuwe uitdagings van hernuwing en regenerasie trotseer.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006.
Western Cape Foundation for Community Work -- Reorganization, Community development -- South Africa -- Western Cape -- Case studies, Nonprofit organizations -- South Africa -- Western Cape -- Case studies, Social change -- South Africa, UCTD