A household solid waste recycling programme in Stellenbosch : householders' attitudes and willingness to participate

Makau, Mafalla E. (Mafalla Elizabeth)
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Municipal waste presents problems of pollution, health hazards and resource conservation. Household waste forms part of municipal solid waste that is a challenge to control due to its heterogeneity and diversity. The ever-filling landfills for the disposal of solid waste due to rapid population increase and urbanization call for urgent waste management strategies to reduce, reuse and recycle solid waste. In this study householders' attitudes, participation in recycling and willingness to participate in household solid waste recycling are investigated to design and implement a household solid waste recycling programme in Stellenbosch. Questionnaire survey data about the awareness of, attitudes towards, and participation in household waste recycling were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods in the STATISTICA V6 program. Results were displayed in frequency tables, bar charts, maps and pie charts. The same statistical program was used to fmd the relationship between the householders' willingness to participate in the household solid waste recycling programme, namely the Blue Bag Household Waste Recovery Programme (BBHWRP), and their socio-demographic and socio-economic characteristics. The respondents' willingness to sort household waste is compared to their willingness to participate in the BBHWRP in Stellenbosch. The willingness of householders in different residential areas is also compared. The relationships were analyzed by performing cross-tabulations and the chi-square test. The householder's attitudes towards household solid waste recycling were found to be positive, showing pro-recycling and pro-environmental behaviour among the respondents. Participation in recycling was found to be relatively moderate where separation of waste, self-delivery of recyclables to recycling buy-back centres and depots were commonly practised. Composting was least reported to be practised by householders in Stellenbosch. Respondents showed strong willingness to participate in the BBHWRP, however, most of the explanatory factors used, including place of residence, did not relate to respondents' willingness to participate in the BBHWRP. Despite this situation, smaller families and respondents' willingness to sort household waste at home by householders were found to relate directly to willingness to take part in the BBHWRP. There were, however, poor response rates in the study. Although reminders were used to improve response rates, only a 30 per cent response rate could be reached. It is recommended that a household solid waste sorting and recycling scheme in Stellenbosch should be considered in order to minimize and recycle household waste to extend the lifespan of the town's landfill site.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Munisipale afval skep probleme vir besoedeling, gesondheidsrisiko's en hulpbronbewaring. Huishoudelike afval vorm deel van die vaste afval wat moeilik is om te beheer weens die heterogeniteit en diversiteit daarvan. Die stortingsterreine vir vaste afval word al hoe voller weens die immer groeiende bevolking en weens verstedeliking, en dringende afvalbestuurstrategie om die soliede afval te verminder, weer te gebruik en te herwin, word benodig. In hierdie studie word gekyk na die houdings van die huisgesinne, hulle deelname aan herwinning en hulle gewilligheid om deel te neem aan vaste afvalherwinning sodat 'n huishoudelike vaste afvalherwinningsprogram ontwerp kan word en in Stellenbosch implementeer kan word. Vraelysopnamedata oor die bewustheid van, houdings teenoor en deelname aan huishoudelike afvalherwinning is ontleed met beskrywende statistiese metodes in die STATISTICA V6-program. Die resultate word vertoon in frekwensietabelle, balkdiagramme en sektordiagramme. Dieselfde statistiese program is gebruik om die verwantskap tussen die huisgesinne se gewilligheid om deel te neem aan die huishoudelike vaste afvalherwinningsprogram, naamlik die Blue Bag Household Waste Recovery Programme (BBHWRP), en hulle sosio-demografiese en sosio-ekonomiese kenmerke te vind. Die respondente se gewilligheid om huishoudelike afval te sorteer is vergelyk met gewilligheid om deel te neem aan die BBHWRP in Stellenbosch. Die gewilligheid van gesinne in verskillende woongebiede is ook vergelyk. Die verhoudings is ontleed aan die hand van kruistabulasies en met behulp van die chi-kwadraat toets. Daar is gevind dat die huisgesinne se houdings teenoor die herwinning van vaste huishoudelike afval positief is, wat 'n aanduiding gee dat die respondente pro-herwinning en pro-omgewing is. Daar is gevind dat die deelname aan herwinning relatief gemiddeld is waar sortering van afval en die selfaflewering van afval by herwinningsterugkoopsentra algemeen beoefen word. Baie min huisgesinne in Stellenbosch is betrokke by die maak van kompos. Respondente toon gewilligheid om deel te neem aan die BBHWRP, maar daar is gevind dat die verklarende faktore, insluitende woonplek, nie verwant is aan hulle gewilligheid om deel te neem aan die BBHWRP nie. Ten spyte van hierdie situasie is daar gevind dat kleiner gesinne en die respondente se gewilligheid om huishoudelike afval tuis te sorteer, direk verwant is aan gewilligheid om deel te neem aan die BBHWRP. Daar was egter swak responskoerse in die studie. Alhoewel herinneringbriewe gebruik is om responskoerse te verbeter, is 'n responskoers van net 30 persent behaal. Daar word aanbeveel dat 'n vaste huishoudelike afvalsorteringskema in Stellenbosch oorweeg moet word om huishoudelike afval te verminder en te herwin en om die lewensduur van die stortingsterrein te verleng.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006.
Recycling (Waste, etc.) -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch, Recycling (Waste, etc.) -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch -- Public opinion, Recycling (Waste, etc.) -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch -- Citizen participation, Refuse and refuse disposal -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch, Dissertations -- Geography and environmental studies, Theses -- Geography and environmental studies