The narrative of abuse in Sesotho

Chaka, Molelekeng Theresia
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines data from account-giving in Sesotho. Am account-making process according to Warren (1989), is more like a "life in motion" in which individual characters are portrayed as moving through their experiences, dealing with some problem in their lives and at the same time diligently searching for a resolution. It is then this quest to understand the major stresses in each individual's mind that is at the core of this study. The reasons that lead to the result of the daily experiences of destitution, depression, death, disability etc, are also addressed here. Narrative accounts form the basis of moral and social events and as such, stories have two elements through which they are explored. They are explored firstly in the way in which they are told and secondly, in the way they are lived in the social context. These stories follow a historically or culturally based format, and to this effect, Gergen (1994) posited narrative criteria that constitute a historically contingent narrative form. Narrative forms are linguistic tools that have important social functions to satisfactorily fulfil such needs as stability narrative, progressive narrative and regressive narrative.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek data oor verslagdoening in Sesotho. 'n Verslagdoeningsproses is volgens Warren (1989) soos 'lewe in beweging', waarin individuele karakters voorgestel word as dat hulle beweeg deur ervarings, en een of ander probleem in hulle lewe aanspreek, en terselfdertyd soek na 'n oplossing. Dit is hierdie soeke om die spanninge te verstaan in die denke van elke individu wat aan die kern van hierdie studie lê. Die redes wat lei tot die resultaat van die daaglikse ondervindings van eensaamheid, depressie, dood, gestremdheid, ens. word ook beklemtoon in hierdie studie met verwysing na Sesotho verslagdoenings. Narratiewe verslagdoening vorm die basis van morele en sosiale gebeure, en as sulks, vorm dit die twee elemente waardeur hulle ondersoek word. Dit word ondersoek, eerstens deur die wyse waarop dit vertel word en tweedens, deur die wyse waarop dit beleef word in die sosiale konteks. Hierdie stories volg 'n histories of kultureel-gebaseerde formaat en, tot hierdie effek, het Gergen (1994) narratiewe kriteria gepostuleer wat 'n histories afhanklike narratief vorm. Narratiewe vorme is linguistiese gereedskap wat belangrike sosiale funksies het om behoeftes te vervul aan stabiliteit narratiewe, progressiewe narratiewe, en regressiewe narratiewe.
Thesis (MA) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2005.
Discourse analysis, Narrative, Sotho language -- Discourse analysis, Sotho language -- Social aspects, Dissertations -- Sotho language