Stress, coping, and the role of social support in living with HIV/AIDS : a literature review

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: HIV/AIDS places much stress on those living with the disease. An understanding of the processes of stress and coping and how these relate to people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) can inform the nature of services we offer to PLWHAs. Social support has been shown to playa mediatory role in the stress response and is also considered to be a problem-focused coping strategy. This paper presents an overview of the literature on stress, coping and social support with the aim of assisting healthcare workers to understand how these issues relate to HIV/AIDS and to show how healthcare workers, and, specifically psychologists can use their unique competencies and skills to enhance the quality of life of PLWHAs.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: MIVNIGS plaas baie druk op mense wat met die siekte moet saamleef. Insig rakende die prosesse van spanning en hantering daarvan en hoe dit verband hou met mense wat met MIVNIGS moet saamleef, het die potensiaal om die aard van die dienste wat aan die spesifieke populasie gelewer word, in te lig. Sosiale ondersteuning blyk 'n bemiddelende rol te speel in spanningsresponse en word ook beskou as 'n probleemgefokusde hanteringsmeganisme. Die betrokke werkstuk bied 'n oorsig van die literatuur rakende spanning, hantering en sosiale ondersteuning. Dit is gefokus daarop om bystand te verleen aan gesondheidsorg werkers om hulle insig te gee hoe hierdie kwessies met MIVNIGS verband hou. Dit poog ook om aan te toon hoe gesondheidsorgwerkers en spesifiek sielkundiges, hul unieke bevoegdhede en vaardighede kan benut om die wat met MIVNIGS moet saamleef, se kwaliteit van lewe te verryk.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005.
Adjustment (Psychology), AIDS (Disease) -- Psychology, AIDS (Disease) -- Patients -- Life skills assessment, Community health aides -- Psychological aspects, Dissertations -- Psychology