Scheduling algorithms for routine maintenance of roads in maintenance wards of a gravel road network

Burger, A. F. (Adriaan Francois)
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study reported in this thesis focuses on the development of algorithms that can be used to schedule routine maintenance work in maintenance wards of a gravel road network, This was undertaken as part of the development of the Blading Optimisation Module of the Gravel Management System of the Provincial Government: Western Cape. Two scheduling algorithms were developed and mapped to a pilot object model on the computer. The algorithms and application interface takes account of the constraints and variables of routine maintenance that were identified through interviews with personnel of the five District Municipalities contained in the Western Cape. The algorithms are tested and evaluated using the pilot application. Based on the evaluation of the algorithms conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie beskryf in hierdie tesis fokus op die ontwikkeling van algoritmes vir die skedulering van roetine instandhoudingswerk in instandhoudingswyke van 'n gruispadnetwerk. Dit is ondemeem tydens die ontwikkeling van die "Blading Optimisation Module" van die "Gravel Management System" van die Provinsiale Regering: Wes Kaap. Twee algoritmes is ontwikkel en afgebeeld op 'n loods-objekmodel op die rekenaar. Die algoritmes en toepassingskoppelvlak maak voorsiening vir die beperkings en veranderlikes wat geidentifiseer is tydens onderhoude met personeel van die distrikmunisipaliteite in die Wes Kaap. Die algoritmes is getoets en geevalueer met behulp van die loodstoepassing. Gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings word gemaak op grond van die resultate van die evaluasie van die algoritmes.
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005.
Roads, Gravel, Pavements -- Maintenance and repair, Dissertations -- Civil engineering, Theses -- Civil engineering