'n Verkennende ondersoek na maatskaplikewerkprogramme vir straatkinders

Swart, Mariette
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study attempts to gain insight into social welfare programmes for street children. In order to achieve this, a literature study was undertaken to explore social welfare programmes for street children and to describe street children as a social phenomenon. An empirical study was undertaken by means of interviewing through a structured questionnaire. The study indicates that the majority of street children have contact with their parents. The street children are mostly males between 13 and 16 years of age. The dominant socioeconomic aspects contributing to this social phenomenon are housing problems, unemployment and a lack of means. The following socio-cultural aspects were identified: the composition of the family, social pathology as well as an absent father figure. The majority of the street children have limited education and were not encouraged to continue their education. It was found that the street children and their families did not take part in prevention programmes that focus on the direct causes of family disintegration and support services. Welfare organisations had been involved with the majority of the families even before the children moved to the streets. The street children have the necessary knowledge regarding outreach programmes and take part in such programmes. It was found that street children would like to contribute to the compilation of these programmes. The study indicates that educational as well as occupational and vocational programmes are experienced as an opportunity for self-maintenance. It was found that the majority of street children do not want to return to their families and seek alternative care. It was concluded that street children come from families that do not have definite boundaries and structures. The majority of the street children do not experience their family setup as pleasant. The children developed insight into the correlation between education and selfimprovement only after they had left school. The needs of street children can be divided into two categories, namely the need for self-development and the need for better family circumstances. Recommendations are made regarding social welfare service
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is ondersoek na die maatskaplikewerkprogramme vir straatkinders ingestel. 'n Literatuurstudie ten opsigte van die straatkind as maatskaplike verskynsel en maatskaplikewerkprogramme vir straatkinders is onderneem. Daarna is 'n empiriese studie deur middel van onderhoudvoering met 'n gestruktureerde vraelys gedoen. Navorsing dui aan dat die meerderheid straatkinders wel kontak met hulle ouers het. Die straatkinders is meestal seuns tussen die ouderdom van 13 en 16 jaar. Die prominentste sosio-ekonomiese aspekte wat tot hierdie maatskaplike verskynsel aanleiding gee, is behuisingsprobleme, werkloosheid en 'n gebrek aan bestaansmiddele. Die volgende sosiokulturele aspekte is ge'identifiseer: gesinsamestelling, sosiale patologie, en die afwesige vaderfiguur. Die meerderheid straatkinders het beperkte skoolopleiding ontvang en is nie aangemoedig om terug te keer skool toe nie. Daar is bevind dat straatkinders en hulle gesinne nie ingeskakel het by voorkomingsprogramme wat op die direkte oorsake van gesinsverbrokkeling en ondersteuningsdienste fokus nie. Welsynsorganisasies was reeds by die meeste van die gesinne betrokke voordat die kinders na die straat beweeg het. Die straatkinders is bekend met en neem deel aan uitreikprogramme. Daar is ook bevind dat die straatkinders wel 'n bydrae tot die samestelling van sodanige programme wil lewer. Die navorsing dui daarop dat opvoedkundige programme asook beroeps- en ambagontwikkeling beskou word as 'n ontwikkelingsgeleentheid om selfonderhoudend te wees. Daar is bevind dat die meerderheid straatkinders nie na hulle ouerhuis wil terugkeer nie, maar van alternatiewe versorging wil gebruik maak. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat straatkinders uit gesinne kom waar daar nie definitiewe grense en strukture in plek is nie. Die meerderheid van die straatkinders ervaar nie hulle gesinsopset as positief nie. Nadat die straatkinders die skool verlaat het, het insigontwikkeling plaasgevind rakende die verband tussen skoolopleiding en die verbetering van eie funksionering en ontwikkeling. Die behoeftes van straatkinders kan in twee kategoriee verdeel word, naamlik die behoefte aan eie ontwikkeling en die behoefte aan beter gesinsomstandighede. Aanbevelings word ten opsigte van maatskaplikewerkdienslewering in gasheergemeenskappe asook gesinsherenigings- en voorkomingsdienste gemaak.
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2005.
Homeless children -- Services for -- South Africa, Children with social disabilities -- South Africa -- Attitudes, Social work with the homeless -- Research -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Social work, Theses -- Social work