Measuring the health of business nodes

Hartshorne, Wendy Anne
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa requires sustained economic growth in order to alleviate the poverty of its urban population. This study is based on the hypothesis that in order to sustain the existing "good" infrastructure and secure the "high-quality" human resource base of our country, it is necessary to be proactive with regard to the management of commercial/business nodes in order to ensure that they do not deteriorate or become stifled and/or excluded from delivering their full economic potential/contribution towards the urban economy. This study contains a synopsis of the research conducted by the author on behalf of the City of Cape Town - Economic Development and Tourism Directorate during 2003. The purpose was to develop a uniform model to ascertain and monitor the economic health of business areas within the Cape Town metropole. The research was presented to the City of Cape Town in the form of a protocol, which has subsequently been utilised to establish economic profiles for the Athlone Central Business District, Gatesville/Rylands business centre and Airport Industria. The focus and purpose of the protocol was to place tbe City Council in a position whereby the relative economic health of specific business/mixed-use areas within the Cape Metropolitan Area can be properly assessed, selected interventions made where necessary and results monitored. The point of departure that was adopted from the outset was that the assessment need not just relate to negative trends or indications of economic distress, but that there is substantial merit in assessing nodes that are seemingly "getting it right" or "booming".
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika benodig volgehoue ekonomiese groei ten einde die armoede van sy stedelike bevolking te verlig. Hierdie navorsing is gebaseer op die hipotese dat ten einde die bestaande "goeie" infrastruktuur te handhaaf en ons land se menslike hulpbronbasis van hoë gehalte te verseker, dit nodig is om proaktief te wees ten opsigte van die bestuur van kommersiële/sakepunte ten einde te verseker dat hulle nie agteruitgaan of doodwurg en/of uitgesluit raak van die lewering van hulle volle ekonomiese potensiaal/bydrae tot die stedelike ekonomie nie. Hierdie tesis bevat 'n sinopsis van die navorsing wat die outeur gedurende 2003 namens die Stad Kaapstad - Direktoraat: Ekonomiese _Ontwikkeling en Toerisme - gedoen het. Die doel was die ontwikkeling van 'n eenvormige model om die ekonomiese welstand van sakegebiede binne die Kaapstadse metropool te bepaal en te monitor. Die navorsing is in die vorm van 'n protokol aan die Stad Kaapstad gelewer. Die protokol is daarna aangewend om ekonomiese profiele vir die Athlone Sentrale Sakegebied, Gatesville/Rylands sakesentrum en Airport Industria op te stel. Die fokus en doel van die protokol was om die Stadsraad in 'n posisie te plaas waardeur die relatiewe ekonomiese welstand van spesifieke sakegebiede of gebiede met verskillende ondernemings in die Kaapse Metropolitaanse Gebied behoorlik geassesseer kan word, geselekteerde intervensies waar nodig gemaak kan word en resultate gemonitor kan word. As uitgangspunt is van die begin aanvaar dat die behoefte aan assessering nie net met negatiewe tendense of aanduidings van ekonomiese nood verband hou nie, maar dat daar ook wesenlike meriete lê in die assessering van gebiede wat op die oog af "dinge regkry" of "floreer".
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005.
Industrial management -- South Africa, Business planning -- South Africa -- Case studies, South Africa -- Economic conditions, Dissertations -- Public management and planning, Theses -- Public management and planning