Die gesin se rol in die voorkoming van adolessente se middelemisbruik : 'n maatskaplikewerk-perspektief

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During the researcher's work at the South African National Council for Alcohol and Drug Dependence (SANCA), based at the Paarl-office, it was obvious that adolescent substance abuse was growing into a huge governmental concern. During the first half of 2004 the average age of patients at drug rehabilitation centres who used crystal methamphetamine (streetname: "tik-tik") as their primary substance of abuse were between the ages of 15-19 years. Crystal methamphetamine is the latest drug that has taken the Western Cape by storm. It is obvious that the root of the problem is not being addressed since the number of adolescents abusing drugs seems to increase rather than decrease. The goal and aims of the study focuses on the factors contributing to adolescent substance abuse, parenting styles and -roles that contribute to adolescent substance abuse, and providing guidelines to social workers regarding the role of the family in the prevention of adolescent substance abuse. Adolescents have to deal with the new changes that occur, together with aspects such as, peer pressure, negative self-image, irresponsibility by the community and parents, poor parent-child relationships as well as socio-cultural variables that often lead tot substance abuse. Parents were found to be the role-models for their children and their parents' values, attitudes and behaviour regarding alcohol and/or drugs influence the values, attitudes and behaviour of their children. Therefore it seems that parents are primarily responsible for the prevention of adolescent substance abuse and the research study aims at providing facilitation skills on prevention strategies to social workers in order to successfully starting prevention of adolescent substance abuse. The quality of a family-system seems to have an important influence on adolescents in their growing up years, since adolescents experience a variety of changes and have to learn how to handle and accept these changes. During the literature study it was found that a negative family environment and negative experiences contribute to negative behaviour of adolescents, because the family is the primary unit where children learn their values, attitudes and processes that regulate their actions throughout their lives. A paradigm shift should be facilitated by social workers on maintaining healthy family relationships regarding the prevention of adolescent substance abuse. Supportive family-centred services therefore provide the best in adolescents' positive development, as well as identifying the most important needs of adolescents.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorser was gedurende die navorsingstudie as 'n maatskaplike werker by Die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Raad vir Alkohol en Dwelmafhanklikheid (SANRA) te Paarl aangestel. Na aanleiding van die werkslading kon die navorser tot die gevolgtrekking kom dat adolessente se middelemisbruik groot bekommernis vir die staat beteken. Gedurende die eerste helfte van 2004 was die gemiddelde ouderdom van pasiënte in dwelmrehabilitasiesentrums wie crystal methamphetime (straat naam: "tik-tik") as hul primêre middel van misbruik aangedui het, tussen die ouderdomme van 15-19 jaar. Na aanleiding van statistieke is dit duidelik dat die kern van die probleem nie aangespreek word nie, aangesien die hoeveelheid adolessente wie middele misbruik toeneem anders as om af te neem. Die doel en doelstellings van die studie fokus op die faktore wat bydra tot adolessente se middelemisbruik, ouerskapstyle en -rolle wat bydra tot adolessente se middelemisbruik, en die bied van riglyne aan maatskaplike werkers rakende die rol van die gesin tot die voorkoming van adolessente se middelemisbruik. Adolessente moet leer om die nuwe veranderinge in hullewens te hanteer, tesame met aspekte soos groepsdruk, negatiewe selfbeeld, onverantwoordelikheid deur die gemeenskap, swak ouer-kind verhoudings en sosio-kulturele veranderlikes wat telkens tot middelemisbruik bydra. Daar is gevind dat ouers die rolmodelle vir hul adolessente moet wees en dat ouerlike waardes, houdings en gedrag rakende alkohol en/of dwelms die waardes, houdings en gedrag van hul adolessente beïnvloed. Daarom blyk dit dat die primêre verantwoordelikheid op die ouers berus tot die voorkoming van adolessente se middelemisbruik en die navorsingstudie poog om die fasilitering van voorkomingstrategieë aan maatskaplike werkers te bied ten einde die voorkoming van adolessente se middiemisbruik aan te spreek. Die kwaliteit van die gesinsisteem het 'n belangrike invloed op adolessente in hul grootwordjare, aangesien adolessente 'n verskeidenheid veranderinge ervaar en moet leer hoe om die veranderinge te hanteer en te aanvaar. Gedurende die literatuurstudie is bevind dat 'n negatiewe gesinsomgewing en negatiewe ervarings bydra tot negatiewe gedrag van adolessente, omdat die gesin die primêre eenheid is waar adolessente hul waardes, houdings en prosesse aanleer wat hul aksies gedurende hullewens reguleer. 'n Paradigmaverskuiwing moet vervolgens deur maatskaplike werkers gefasiliteer word tot die handhawing van gesonde gesinsverhoudings ten opsigte van adolessente se middelemisbruik. Ondersteunende gesinsgesentreerde dienste bied vervolgens die beste opsie vir adolessente se positiewe ontwikkeling, sowel as om die mees belangrikste behoeftes van adolessente te identifiseer.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005.
Parent and teenager, Substance abuse -- Treatment, Substance abuse -- Diagnosis, Teenagers -- Family relationships, Social work with drug addicts -- South Africa -- Paarl, Social work with teenagers -- South Africa -- Paarl, Dissertations -- Social work