An exploratory study of the needs and capacities of mentally ill adults living in a supported housing facility

Jacobs, Liesl Mary
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The basic premise underlying this research is the ability to gain a deeper understanding of a person with a mental illness, and more specifically the residents living in a supported housing facility. It is significant for social workers to establish a basic profile of the individual in order to understand and realize the resident's specific I?-eeds.The aim of the study is to present a description of the personal needs, capacities and socio-emotional functioning of a mentally ill person living in a supported housing facility. The research report includes identifying the personal needs and capacities of people with a mental illness living in a supported housing facility. This comprises of aspects applicable to the daily living conditions and lifestyles of people with a mental illness residing in such a care facility, including needs and concerns, capacities, strengths and limitations and the role of the family in the individual's life. The report also investigates the social welfare services essential in the intervention and rehabilitation of people living in a supported housing facility, by utilizing various perspectives applicable to social workers. The empirical study consisted of using a quantitative method in order to explore the pragmatic aspect of the study, which would allow an investigation into the nature of the needs, capacities and socio-emotional functioning of people with a mental illness living in a supported housing facility. Information was gathered by means of a questionnaire and subsequently analysed in order to attain valid conclusions from the research. These fmdings were consequently noted, and conclusions and recommendations drawn. The fmdings of this research can be used as guidelines for social workers and other social welfare practitioners working with people with a mental illness.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie is daarop gemik om 'n beter begrip te ontwikkel van geestesiekes, en in besonder die inwoners van 'n ondersteunde behuisingsfasiliteit. Dit is van groot belang vir maatskaplike werkers ten einde 'n basiese profiel van die individu saam te stel en sodoende die inwoner se spesifieke behoeftes te verstaan en te bevredig. Die doelwit van die studie is om 'n beskrywing van die persoonlike behoeftes en kapasiteit van 'n geestelik versteurde persoon wat in 'n ondersteunde behuisingsfasiliteit tuisgaan, daar te stel. Die navorsingsverslag sluit dus die identifisering van die persoonlike behoeftes en kapasiteit in van geestesiekes in 'n ondersteunde behuisingsfasiliteit. Dit behels aspekte van toepassing op hulle daaglikse lewensomstandighede en lewenstyl, insluitend behoeftes en bekommernisse, kapasiteit, sterkpunte, beperkings en die rol van die familie in die individu se lewe. Die verslag ondersoek ook die maatskaplike dienste wat van belang is vir die behandeling en rehabilitasie van mense wat in 'n ondersteunde behuisingsfasiliteit tuisgaan. Die empiriese studie bestaan uit beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metodes ten einde die pragmatiese aspek van die navorsing te ondersoek. Dit het 'n ondersoek moontlik gemaak na die persoonlike behoeftes, kapasiteite en sosio-emosionele status (funksie) van geestesiekes in 'n ondersteunde behuisingsfasiliteit. Inligting is ingewin deur middel van 'n vraelys, en is daarna ontleed ten einde geldige gevolgtrekkings op grond van die navorsing te maak. Die bevindings van hierdie studie kan gebruik word as riglyne vir maatskaplike werkers en ander maatskaplike praktisyns wat met geestesiekes werk.
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2005.
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Mentally ill -- South Africa -- Social conditions, Mentally ill -- life skills -- Assessment -- South Africa