Training and development needs assessment for previously disadvantaged managers in the income and cash directorate, City of Cape Town

Williams, Beresford Duncan
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study sets out to identify the training and development needs of the black middle managers in the Income and Cash Directorate of the City of Cape Town using Hague's Model of Training Needs Analysis (Hague, 1973). This model is predicated on the creation of a collaborative relationship between the line manager, the employee and the training consultant. Their primary task is to examine issues of job descriptions, key. performance areas based on the job descriptions, workplace performance standards, sources of skills, performance gaps and their causes, as well as training solutions and non-training solutions. The study argues that there is a need to adopt a planned and systematic approach (i.e. Hague's Model) to the identification of the training and development needs of the black middle managers in the Income and Cash Directorate of the City of Cape Town. The study has four objectives: the first is to present a conceptual framework of the study by examining the existing literature on the analysis of training needs for managers in organisations; the second is to provide some background to the Income and Cash Directorate; the third objective is to adopt and apply Hague's Model of Training Needs Analysis (Hague, 1973) in the Income and Cash Directorate; and the fourth objective is to formulate a training and development strategy to be designed and implemented in order to address the training and development needs of the black middle managers in the Income and Cash Directorate. The study concludes, inter alia, that the lack of a systematic and planned approach to the identification of the training and development needs of black middle managers in the Income and Cash Directorate should be addressed by the adoption and application of Hague's Model of Training Needs Analysis (Hague, 1973), considering the fact that it makes provision for the collective determination of the training and development needs of black middle managers. The study then recommends the adoption Hague's Model of Training Needs Analysis (Hague, 1973) in the Income and Cash Directorate of the City of Cape Town. However, the following factors and issues should be taken into account in order to ensure the effective implementation of Hague's Model of Training Needs Analysis (Hague, 1973) in the organisation: finalising the job descriptions; developing specific and measurable performance standards; managing the performance of the managers; reviewing the training and development plan on a periodic basis; implementing the induction and mentorship systems; and implementing a management development programme.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie IS gemoeid met die identifisering van die opleidings- en ontwikkelingsbehoeftes van die swart middelbestuurders in die Inkomste- en Kontantdirektoraat van die Stad Kaapstad en is gebaseer op gebruikmaking van Hague se model (Hague, 1973) vir die analisering van opleidingsbehoeftes. Hierdie model bevestig die skepping van 'n verhouding van samewerking tussen die lynbestuurder, die werkgewer en die opleidingskonsultant. Hulle primêre taak is om die kwessies rakende posbeskrywing, sleutelwerksgebiede gebaseer op posbeskrywings, werkverrigtingstandaarde, bronne vir vaardigheidsopleiding, werkverrigtingsgapings en hulle oorsake, asook opleidingsoplossings en nie-opleidingsoplossings te ondersoek. Die studie argumenteer dat daar 'n behoefte bestaan vir die aanvaarding en toepassing van 'n sistematies- beplande benadering ( te wete die Hague-model) tot identifisering van die opleidings- en ontwikkelingsbehoeftes van die swart middelbestuurders in die Inkomste- en Kontant-direktoraat van die Stad Kaapstad. Die studiedoelwitte is viervoudig: die eerste is daarstelling van 'n konseptuele raamwerk aan die hand van die bestudering van bestaande literatuur oor die analise van opleidingsbehoeftes vir bestuurders in organisasies; die tweede is die verskaffing van agtergrondsinligting oor die Inkomste- en Kontantdirektoraat; die derde is die aanvaarding en toepassing van die Hague-model vir die analisering van opleidingsbehoeftes in die Inkomste- en Kontantdirektoraat; en die vierde is die aanbeveling dat 'n opleidings- en ontwikkelingstrategie vir aanspreking van die opleidings- en ontwikkelingsbehoeftes van swart middelbestuurders in die Inkomste- en Kontantdirektoraat ontwikkel en geïmplementeer word. Die studie kom tot die slotsom dat die gebrek aan 'n sistematies-beplande benadering tot die identifisering van opleidings- en ontwikkelingsbehoeftes van die swart middelbestuurders in die Inkomste- en Kontantdirektoraat aangespreek behoort te word deur die aanname en toepassing van die Hague-model (Hague, 1973) vir opleidingsbehoefte-analise aangesien dit voorsiening maak vir kollektiewe vasstelling van die swart middelbestuurders se opleidings- en ontwikkelingsbeshoeftes. Die aanvaarding van die Hague-model vir die analisering van opleidingsbehoeftes in die Inkomste- en Kontantdirektoraat van die Stad Kaapstad word dan ook aanbeveel. Daar word egter 'n aantal faktore en kwessies wat in aanmerking geneem moet word om effektiewe implementering van die Hague-model vir opleidingsanalise in die organisasie te verseker, uitgewys, te wete, finalisering van die posbeskrywings; die ontwikkeling van spesifieke en meetbare werkverrigtingstandaarde; besturing van die bestuurders se werkverrigting; periodieke hersiening van die opleidings- en ontwikkelingsplan; implementering van die inlywings- en mentorskapsisteem; en die implementering van 'n bestuursontwikkelingsprogram.
Theses (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
Executives -- Training of -- Case studies, Financial executives -- Training of -- Case studies, Training needs -- South Africa -- Case studies, Executives, Black -- Training of -- South Africa -- Case studies, Dissertations -- Public management and planning, Theses -- Public management and planning