Towards the new company : proactive corporate ethics in a globalised business environment

Thorburn, Robert H. (Robert Henry)
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The corporation is fast becoming, or may already have become, the prevalent structure in human society. As such, its successes and failures impact heavily on society as a whole. This study will endeavour to examine past shortfalls in corporate thinking and practice, explaining much of this by referring to lag between societal and corporate change in their respective responses to globalisation. It is furthermore argued that this change is still far from complete( d), if indeed it ever will be complete( d) with a fixed end. This global change, has to a large extent, caught corporations off guard, with their old management styles no longer providing results - with civil resistance to corporate activity resulting in some instances. The central aim of this study is to not only understand this situation, but also to explore potential remedies. In so doing two unique ideal states, namely the old and the new company, will be developed. With the old company representing corporate structure and thinking that no longer functions effectively. The new company, on the other hand, is not a present state but a future one. Thus it is the destination of the societal and corporate changes examined within this thesis. Consequently, the main subject examined will be a move away from the old company. Finally, it will be shown that dealing with problems within the corporate context no longer requires the heavy hand of yesteryear. Instead, a proactive approach should be adopted, both for financial and ethical reasons.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit kan geargumenteer word dat korporasies binnekort die dominante struktuur in menslike organisasie kan wees, indien dit nie reeds die geval is nie. As sulks, het die suksesse en mislukkings van die korporasie 'n merkbare impak op die menslike samelewing. Gevolglik beoog hierdie studie om voormalige tekortkominge in korporatiewe denke en praktyk te ondersoek en te verduidelik, grotendeels met verwysing na die verskil in tempo waarmee beide die samelewing en korporasies reageer op die nuwe uitdagings wat gepaardgaan met globalisering. Dit word verder geargumenteer, dat hierdie proses van verandering geen voorspelbare einde het in die klassieke sin nie. Juis daarom het die voortdurende verandering oudmodiese bestuurstyle en tegnieke onkant betrap, met nagevolge wat strek tot by burgerlike verset. Sentraal aan die ondersoek van hierdie situasie is nie net die intensie om dit te verstaan nie, maar ook die soeke na strategieë om dit reg te stel. Om die onderneming te fasiliteer word twee ideaal state, naamlik die ou en die nuwe maatskappy ontwikkel. Die ou maatskappy verteenwoordig uitgediende strategieë en bestuurspraktyke, terwyl die nuwe maatskappy 'n toekomstige staat is en dus nog nie gerealiseer is nie. Die fokus is dus op die beweging van die ou na die nuwe maatskappy. Laastens sal dit ook aangetoon word dat uiters outoritêre bestuurstyle en strategieë nie meer van pas, of suksesvol is in die hantering van korporatiewe probleme nie. Alternatiewelik word 'n proaktiewe benadering, op beide etiese en finansiële gronde, aanbeveel.
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
Business ethics, Business ethics -- Case studies, Social responsibility of business, Organizational change, Organizational behavior, Management, Marketing, Globalization -- Economic aspects, Corporate governance, Corporations -- Moral and ethical aspects