The self-concept and interpersonal functioning of South African girls in child care : a suggested model

Goosen, Elzaan
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aimed to create an elaborate model that can shed light on the intra- and interpersonal functioning of middle childhood and early adolescent South African girls in child care. Data used included: 1) measures of self-concept that was measured by The Beck Youth Inventories: Self-concept inventory for Youths (Beck, Beck & Jolly, 2001), 2) a qualitative indication of perceived attachment towards a mother figure and 3) biographical data provided by the social workers associated with the children's homes that participated in the study. Participants included 70 girls between the ages of 9 and 14, of which 35 were assigned to the Children's Home Group. The Control Group comprised of the rest of the participants. Regression analysis, correlation measurement and the calculation of the significance of the differences between groups were used to test hypotheses. Results indicated that perceived attachment to a mother figure is a significant mediator of selfconcept, but that factors related to age seemed to have the most significant mediating effect during the developmental stages of middle childhood and early adolescence. The results were used to combine and elaborate on existing theories of intra- and interpersonal functioning in order to suggest a model that attempts to explain the functioning of South African girls in child-care in more depth. Implications for these findings are discussed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om 'n gedetailleerde modelop te stel wat lig kan werp op die intra- en interpersoonlike funksionering van middel-kinderjarige en adolessente dogters in kindersorg in Suid-Afrika. Die data wat gebruik is, sluit in: 1) meetings van selfkonsep wat gemeet is deur die Beck Youth Inventories: Self-concept inventory for Youths (Beck, Beck & Jolly, 2001), 2) 'n kwalitatiewe indikasie van dogters se persepsie oor die binding tussen hulle en hulonderskeie moeders, asook. 3) biografiese data wat verskaf is deur die maatskaplike werkers wat geassosieer was met die kinderhuise wat deelgeneem het. Die deelnemers het bestaan uit 'n groep van 70 dogters tussen die ouderdomme van 9 en 14 jaar. Die helfte van die deelnemers het vanuit die kinderhuise gekom terwyl die res van die deelnemers die kontrolegroep gevorm het. Regressie analises, korrelasie metings en die berekening van die beduidendheid van verskille tussen groepe is gebruik om hipoteses te toets. Die resultate het daarop gedui dat dogters se persepsie van die kwaliteit van die binding tussen hulle en hul moeders, wel 'n beduidende mediator van self-konsep is gedurende middle-kinderjare en adolessensie is, maar dat faktore wat verband hou met ouderdom, die grootste mediërende effek het op self-konsep gedurende hierdie ontwikkelingsfases. Op grond van die resultate is 'n model saamgestel wat 'n voortbouing is op bestaande teorie, maar poog om meer lig te werp op die intra en interpersoonlike funksionering van Suid-Afrikaanse dogters in kindersorg te verduilik. Die implikasies hiervan word bespreek.
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
Self-acceptance, Girls -- Institutional care -- South Africa, Interpersonal relations in children, Dissertations -- Psychology, Theses -- Psychology