Rethinking higher education transformation in terms of an African(a) philosophy

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The central question of this study is whether higher education transformation can occur without taking into consideration an African(a) philosophy of education in South Africa. I hold that higher education policy initiatives as promulgated in the policy documents such as the National Plan for Higher Education (NPHE) (2001) and Education White Paper 3 (1997) on Higher Education Transformation may not be realised if policy is not embedded in the practices of the South African majority. I explore the negative impact that the marketisation of higher education may have on equitable redress in South Africa. It is my attempt to show that higher education transformation can have a positive effect on change in the country if implemented or framed according to an African(a) philosophy of education. With this study I therefore demonstrate how elements of African(a) philosophies such as culture, storytelling and indigenous languages can be tapped as necessary resources for deep transformation in higher education in South Africa. My mam contention is that the dismissal of African "voices" in higher education discourse would be detrimental to the achievement of deep transformation in higher education. Despite the weakness of African(a) philosophy, I articulate what the NPHE (2001) fails to advocate in relation to what an African(a) philosophy of education could mean.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie handel oor die sentrale kwessie of die transformasie van hoër onderwys kan plaasvind sonder om Afrika(na) filosofie in ag te neem. Ek voel dat die inisiatiewe van die hoër onderwysbeleid soos voorgestel in beleidsdokumente, soos die Nasionale Plan vir Hoër Onderwys (2001) en die Wit Skrif 3 (1997) in verband met Transformasie van Hoër Onderwys, nie verwesenlik sal word as dit nie gewortel is in die praktyke van die meerderheid Suid Afrikaners nie. Ek ondersoek die negatiewe impak wat die bemarking van hoër onderwys op verandering kan uitoefen. Ek poog om te bewys dat die transformasie van onderwys 'n positiewe effek kan hê op verandering in die land as dit beraam en geïmplimenteer word volgens 'n Afrika(na) filosofie van die opvoeding. Ek probeer dus demonstreer hoe elemente van Afrika(na) filosofie soos kultuur, storievertelling, en inheemse tale gebruik kan word as nodige hulpbronne vir 'n dieper transformasie van hoër onderwys in Suid Afrika. My hoof argument is dat as Afrika(na) "stemme" in die gesprek van hoër onderwys nie in ag geneem word nie, dit 'n nadelige uitwerking op diep transformasie van hoër onderwys sal hê. Ten spyte van die swakhede van Afrika(na) filosofie, pleit ek vir dit wat die Nasionale Plan vir Hoër Onderwys ten opsigte van Afrika(na) filosofie nalaat om te sê.
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2004.
Philosophy, African, Education and state, Educational change -- South Africa, Education -- Aims and objectives -- South Africa, Higher education and state, Education, Higher -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Education