Object-oriented steel connection design framework

Willemse, G. E. (Grant Erin)
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Connections are a vitally important part of any structural framework. Thisstatement may seem obvious, yet it is surprisinghow often insufficient attention is given to the design of this essential aspect of steelwork projects. This thesis concentrates on developing a specification for designing steel connections with the main emphasis on the practical and economical design of typical connections. The design methods of the specification are developed according to the new South African design code which is currently in draft form, namely SANS10162:Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel: Part 1: Limit States Design of hot-rolled steelwork - 2002. An object-oriented framework and associated graphical user interface for designing the connections are developed and implemented. The primary objectives of the implemented framework are: • Being generic in the sensethat it allows for easy addition of additional connection types, • To implement the design paradigm of the South African code, without fixing specific parameter values programmatically in the implementation and • To build on an existing architecture that allows for structural analysis,structural steel member design and distributed collaboration in the design process.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verbindings vorm In uiters belangrike deel van enige staal struktuur. Alhoewel hierdie stelling dalk vanselfsprekend mag wees, is dit egter verbasend hoe selde voldoende aandag aan die ontwerp van hierdie essensiëleaspek van staalwerk projekte gegee word. Hierdie tesis konsentreer op die ontwikkeling van In spesifikasievir die ontwerp van staal verbindings met die oog op praktiese en ekonomiese ontwerp van tipiese verbindings. Hierdie ontwerpmetodes isgebasseer op die nuwe Suid Afrikaanse ontwerpkode wat tans in proef-vorm is, naamlik SANS 10162: Gebruikskode vir Stoa/bouwerk: Dee/I: Grenstoestandontwerp vir warmgewa/ste staa/werk - 2002. In Objek orienteerde raamwerk en In geassosieerde grafiese gebruikerskoppelvlak word ontwikkel en geimplimenteer. Die primêre mikpunte van hierdie geimplimenteerde raamwerk is: • Om generies te wees in die sin dat dit die byvoeging van addisionele verbinding tipes toelaat, • Om die paradigma van die Suid Afrikaanse kode te implimenteer sonder om enige waardes van spesifieke parameters programmaties vas te lê, en • Om dit op In bestaande argitektuur te bou wat strukturele analise, strukturele ontwerp en verspreide samewerking in die ontwerpproses toelaat.
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
Steel, Structural -- Design and construction, Building, Iron and steel, Dissertations -- Civil engineering, Theses -- Civil engineering