n Ondersoek na die belangstellingsprofiele en verklaarde beroepskeuses van 'n groep Afrikaanssprekende graad nege leerders uit die histories benadeelde bruin gemeenskap van die Kaapse Weskusstreek

Roux, Therese
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In light of recent South African literature that shows that most adolescents from previously disadvantaged communities have until recently not had access to career guidance interventions, it was decided to do an investigation into the career interests of a group of learners from such a community. It was decided to specifically focus on sex role stereotyping and parental role models, with the purpose of gaining relevant information that can be used in the planning of career guidance curricula. Socio-economic and cultural variables were also considered. The investigation was done with the coloured communities of the Cape West Coast area. Learners from grade nine of 11 senior secondary schools were visited and requested to rank the ten interest fields of the MB 10 interest questionnaire from 1 to lOon grounds of preference. Statistical calculations were used to compare the boys' and girls' fields of interest. The learners were also requested to make a provisional career choice. This information was then compared to their parents' careers in order to ascertain what role parental role models have in their conditional career choices. From the investigation the following become evident: • There is a statistical relevant difference (p<O.O1) between the sexes' interest on al ten MB 10 fields of interests together. • There is a statistical relevant difference (p<O.OI) between the sexes' interest in the following fields: People as individualsIin small groups (In), People in groups or public appearance (Gr), Linguistic (L), Artistic (A), Practical (P) and Animals, biological sciences (Z). • Parental role models do not seem to have a powerful influence on the participants' declared career choices. • Socio-economic and cultural influences seem to playa role in the participants' declared career choices. An attempt was made to contribute to the process of career development of adolescents through making recommendations regarding the development of career guidance curricula.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die lig van resente Suid-Afrikaanse literatuur wat dit duidelik maak dat die meeste adolessente uit histories benadeelde gebiede tot onlangs min en selfs geen toegang tot beroepsvoorligtingintervensies gehad het nie, is besluit om 'n ondersoek te doen na die beroepsbelangstellings van so 'n groep leerders. Daar is besluit om spesifiek op geslagsrolstereotipering en ouerlike rolmodelle te fokus, met die doe Iom sodoende relevante inligting in te win wat in die beplanning van beroepsvoorligting kurrikula 'n rol kan speel. Sosio-ekonomiese en kulturele veranderlikes is ook in ag geneem. Die ondersoek is onder die bruin gemeenskappe van die Kaapse Weskusstreek uitgevoer. Graad nege leerders van Il senior sekondêre skole is besoek en versoek om die tien belangstellingsvelde van die MB 10 belangstellingsvraelys op grond van voorkeur van 1 tot lOte rangorden. Die seuns en meisies se belangstellingsvelde is deur middel van statistiese berekeninge met mekaar vergelyk Die leerders is ook gevra om 'n voorlopige beroepskeuse te maak Hierdie inligting is toe met hulouers se beroepe vergelyk om sodoende vas te stel watter rolouerlike rolmodelle in hul verklaarde beroepskeuses speel. Uit die ondersoek blyk die volgende: • Daar is wel 'n statisties beduidende verskil (p<O.OI) tussen die geslagte se belangstelling op al tien die MB 10 belangstellingsvelde gesamentlik. • Daar is statisties beduidende verskille (p<O.OI) tussen die geslagte se belangstelling in die velde: Mense as individue/in klein groepies (In), Mense in groepe of openbare optrede (Gr), Linguïsties (L), Artisties (A), Prakties (pr) en Diere, biologiese wetenskappe (Z). • Ouerlike rolmodelle blyk nie 'n kragtige invloed op die deelnemers se verklaarde beroepskeuses te hê nie. • Sosio-ekonomiese en kulturele invloede blyk wel 'n rol te speel in die deelnemers se verklaarde keuses van beroep. Daar is gepoog om die proses van beroepsontwikkeling van adolessente aan te spreek deur aanbevelings rondom die ontwikkeling van beroepsvoorligting kurrikula te maak
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
Career education -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Vocational guidance -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Children with social disabilities -- Education (Secondary) -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Dissertations -- Psychology