Developing an individual performance management instrument for Overberg District Municipality

Prins, Henry F.
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Overberg District Municipality is required by law to develop and implement a organisational performance management system. This requirement by law is in recognition of the need for government to take real steps to ensure that municipalities effectively deliver on their constitutional mandate. The transformation of local government ushered in a pertinent focus on developing and implementing performance management systems. The researcher experienced that municipalities are at this stage primarily focusing on developing systems for organisational performance management, resulting in minimum attention to individual performance management. The purpose of this research is to develop an individual performance management instrument, integrating the strategic objectives as identified in the Integrated Development Plan of the Overberg District Municipality with the objectives of the individual. The proposed instrument should enhance integrated human resource management and be commensurate with applicable labour legislation. A literature review of performance management and related human resource management practices was conducted in order to gain better insight into the topic. Further to this, legislation and policy documents were analysed with specific reference to performance management. After gathering the information through the literature review, a proposed individual performance management instrument was developed and submitted to subject matter experts for their input. The research is concluded with a presentation of recommendations for implementation at Overberg District Municipality.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Overberg Distriksmunisipaliteit moet volgens wet 'n organisatoriese prestasiebestuurstelsel ontwikkel en implementeer. Hierdie wetlike vereiste erken die vereiste dat die regering doelgerigte stappe moet doen om te verseker dat munisipaliteite hul grondwetlike mandaat doeltreffend uitvoer. Die transformasie van plaaslike regering het 'n besliste fokus op die ontwikkeling en implementering van prestasiebestuurstelsels meegebring. Die navorser het ondervind dat munisipaliteite op hierdie stadium hoofsaaklik op die ontwikkeling van stelsels vir organisatoriese prestasiebestuur ingestel is, en dus die minimum aandag aan individuele prestasiebestuur gee. Die oogmerk van hierdie navorsing is om 'n individuele prestasiebestuursinstrument te ontwikkel, en daardeur die strategiese doelwitte wat in die Geintegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan van die Overberg Distriksmunisipaliteit geidentifiseer is, met die individu se doelwitte te integreer. Die voorgestelde instrument moet geintegreerde menslikehulpbronbestuur versterk en in ooreenstemming met toepaslike arbeidswetgewing wees. 'n Literatuuroorsig van prestasiebestuur en verwante menslike hulpbronbestuurspraktyke is gedoen ten einde 'n beter begrip van die onderwerp te kry. Verder is wetgewing en beleidsdokumente ontleed met spesifieke verwysing na prestasiebestuur. Nadat die inligting by wyse van die literatuuroorsig versamel is, is 'n voorgestelde individuele prestasiebestuursinstrument ontwikkel en aan kundiges op hierdie gebied voorgelê vir hulle insette. Die navorsing is afgesluit met aanbevelings vir implementering by die Overberg Distriksmunisipaliteit.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004.
Performance -- Management, Local government -- South Africa -- Overberg, Employees -- Rating of, Dissertations -- Public management and planning, Theses -- Public management and planning