An infrastructure management support system for Western Cape Nature Conservation Board

Van Zyl, Nicolaas Milne
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the use of GIS (Geographical Information Systems) to develop an infrastructure management support system for the Western Cape Nature Conservation Board (WCNCB). The primary goal was to design a system to help the managers with their task of managing the infrastructure of a reserve. It involved the development and description, of a system in ArcView with the programming language Avenue in conjunction with an Access application developed in Visual Basic for Applications. The end result was a system that can create maps of all the different infrastructure features with ArcView and use an open-ended Access application to input data. The data are stored in an Access database. The thesis describes the user functionality of the system. Basic reporting facilities are provided and the data and system have the potential to provide essential reporting in future development. The conclusion of this thesis is that GIS could fulfil the role of an Infrastructure Management Support System for WCNCB.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tesis ondersoek die gebruik van GIS (Geografiese Inligting Stelsels) in die ontwikkeling van 'n infrastruktuur bestuurshulpmiddel VIT Wes-Kaap Natuurbewaringsraad. Die primêre doel van hierdie studie is om 'n sisteem te ontwikkel wat die bestuurders van die verskillende natuurreservate kan bystaan in die bestuur van hul reservate. Die tesis beskryf die ontwikkeling van 'n infrastruktuur bestuurshulpmiddel met ArcView se programmeringstaal Avenue. Tesame hiermee is 'n Access applikasie wat in Visual Basic for Applications ontwikkel is geïntegreer. Die eind-resultaat is 'n sisteem wat kaarte met ArcView vanaf gestoorde data in 'n Access databasis kan produseer en ook datainvordering kan hanteer. Die tesis beskryf die ontwikkeling en funksionaliteit van die sisteem. Daar word voorsiening gemaak vir basiese verslaglewerende funksies en vir toekomstige meer gevorderde analises in die data samestelling. Die gevolgtrekking wat in die tesis gemaak word is dat GIS die rol van 'n infrastruktuur bestuurshulpmiddel kan vervul VIT Wes-Kaap Natuurbewaringsraad.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.
Western Cape Nature Conservation Board, Geographic information systems, National parks and reserves -- South Africa -- Western Cape -- Management -- Data processing, Infrastructure (Economics) -- South Africa -- Western Cape -- Management -- Data processing, Management information systems -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Dissertations -- Geography and environmental studies, Theses -- Geography and environmental studies