A genre analysis of texts in Xitsonga

Mdumela, Tsakani Amos
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The recent introduction of the outcomes-based curriculum for the learning field language, literacy and communication has revealed a number of essential areas of research in African languages that urgently need to be addressed if this curriculum for African Languages is to be successfully implemented with the necessary theoretical basis as support. This dissertation addresses one such research issue, the genre-based approach to Xitsonga texts within the broad field of language and literacy. This study wil] first explore different models of writing approaches that relate to the analytic approach to genre literacy, including the traditional progressivist approach, the Bereiter and Scardamalia approach, and Grabe and Kaplan's (1996) model. It will be argued that Grabe and Kaplan's model is suitable as a framework for teaching writing, because it incorporates the ethnography of writing which entails that a detailed analysis of texts should address the following questions: who writes what to whom, for what purpose, why, when and how? The use of the ethnography of writing in the analysis of texts according to Grabe and Kaplan's model also explores factors such as the communicative purpose, the culture and the community in which the text is produced. This is investigated through the text-linguistic analysis of the nine Xitsonga written speeches where the speech genre has an identifiable format including an introduction, middle and ending. This study also explores the relationship between the ethnography of writing, the Grabe and Kaplan's theory of text construction, the learning outcomes 4 and 5 of grades 7, 8 and 9 and their related assessment standards. Attention is given to prescribed texts and the taxonomy of academic writing skills, knowledge bases and processes, using some of the nine Xitsonga written speeches for illustrative purposes. This study explores questions of how Grabe and Kaplan's model can be effectively employed in the analysis of texts within the framework of Curriculum 2005 in the teaching of language. This study further focuses on the teaching of Xitsonga as a language subject within a multilingual education system. It is argued that in order to develop Xitsonga terminology for teaching content subjects, resources must be put in place, both materially and financially. It will be argued that Xitsonga should be taught as a language subject and . used as a medium of instruction in content subjects in conjunction with English across the curriculum within a bilingual education policy in order to enhance teaching and learning. Learners who have Xitsonga as first language will be able to apply the writing skills acquired in the teaching of writing of Xitsonga as a language subject in their learning across the curriculum.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die resente invoer van die uitkoms-gebaseerde kurrikulum vir die leerarea tale, geletterdheid en kommunikasie het 'n aantal areas van noodsaaklike navorsing in die Afrikatale aan die lig gebring wat dringend aangespreek moet word om hierdie kurrikulum suksesvol te implementeer vir die Afrikatale. Hierdie proefskrif ondersoek een van hierdie navorsingsvraagstukke, naamlik die genre-gebaseerde benadering tot die analise van Xitsonga tekste binne die bree veld van taal en geletterdheid. Die studie sal eers 'n ondersoek doen van verskillende modelle van skryfbenaderings wat verband hou met die analitiese benaderings tot genre geletterdheid, insluitende die tradisionele progressivistiese benadering, Die Bereiter en Scardamalia benadering, en Grabe en Kaplan (1996) se model. Daar sal aangevoer word dat Grabe en Kaplan se benadering 'n toepaslike raamwerk vir skryfonderrig is, aangesien dit die etnografie van skryf inkorporeer, wat meebring dat 'n gedetailleerde analise van tekste die volgende vrae moet aanspreek: Wie skryf wat aan wie vir watter doel, waarom, wanneer en hoe? Die gebruik van die etnografie van skryf in die analise van Xitsonga tekste volgens Grabe en Kaplan se model ondersoek ook faktore soos die kommunikatiewe doelstelling, kultuur en die gemeenskap waarin die teks geproduseer word. Hierdie vrae word ondersoek deur die analise van nege geskrewe toesprake in Xitsonga, waar die toespraak genre 'n identifiseerbare formaat het, insluitende 'n inleiding, 'n middel en 'n slot. Die studie ondersoek ook die verband tussen die etnografie van skryf, die Grabe en Kaplan teorie van tekskonstruksie, die leeruitkomste 4 en 5 van Graad 7, 8 en 9, en hulle verwante assesseringsstandaarde. Aandag word gegee aan voorgeskrewe tekste en die taksonomie van skryfvaardighede, kennis basisse en prosesse, met verwysing na die nege geskrewe tekste in Xitsonga. Die studie ondersoek vrae oor hoe Grabe en Kaplan se model effektief ingespan kan word in die analise van tekste binne die raamwerk van kurrikulum 2005 in die onderrig van taal. Die studie fokus voorts op die onderrig van Xitsonga as 'n taalvak binne 'n meertalige opvoedkundige stelsel. Daar word aangevoer dat ten einde Xitsonga terminologie te ontwikkel vir die onderrig van inhoudsvakke, moet die nodige hulpbronne daarvoor voorsien word. Daar word ook aangevoer dat Xitsonga as 'n taalvak in die onderrig van inhoudsvakke, in samehang met Engels vir laasgenoemde, oor die kurrikulum ten einde leer en onderrig te bevorder. Leerders wat Xitsonga as 'n eerste taal het, sal in staat wees om die skryfvaardighede wat hulle verwerf her in die onderrig van skryf in Xitsonga as 'n taalvak in hulle leer oar die kurrikulum.
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002.
Tsonga language -- Discourse analysis, Tsonga language -- Study and teaching, Language and languages -- Study and teaching, Content analysis (Communication), Competency-based education -- South Africa