Guidelines for the development of an induction programme for the Education Management Development Centre, Metropole South District

Mlindazwe, Thozama
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African government employees are under extreme pressure to deliver quality and effective service to the public. They are also under extreme pressure to develop leadership and skills and to set high standards for quality service delivery. The Government therefore has a duty to ensure that employees are well equipped to render services needed by the public. The Department of Education is under scrutiny and pressure to address the skills shortage in the country and such skills must be of a globally acceptable standard. It is therefore most essential that new employees of the Department of Education at district level be well aware of the Department’s vision and mission and what the Department of Education stands for. The new employee needs to be well aware of the micro, macro and meso objectives of the Department. Employees at the district level of the Department of Education are there to provide guidance, governance and leadership to the leadership in the schools. This is a huge responsibility that needs employees who are aware of the Department of Education. By induction, the new employee can be made fully aware of what the organisation stands for. Through induction, the objectives, vision, mission, challenges, strengths and culture of the organisation can be transferred and emphasised. What the organisation believes and its objectives must be transferred by means of communication from the starting phase of the employee’s entry. This makes induction one of the important aspects of organisational development. It is important for each new employee in the South African public sector to be exposed to a sound induction programme. This research was undertaken with the aim of providing guidelines for the development of the induction programme of the Education Management Development Centre (EMDC) South. Data for emperical study was collected by means of focus groups discussions unstructured interviews and case study
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Werknemers van die Suid-Afrikaanse regering is onder geweldige druk om kwaliteit en effektiewe diens aan die publiek te lewer. Hulle is ook onder geweldige druk om leierskap en vaardighede te ontwikkel en om ‘n hoë standaard vir kwaliteit dienslewering daar te stel. Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering het dus ‘n plig teenoor sy werknemers om te verseker dat hulle goed toegerus is om die nodige dienste aan die publiek te lewer. Die Onderwysdepartement is ook onder die vergrootglas en onder druk om die vaardigheidstekort in die land aan te spreek en op ‘n manier wat voldoen aan globale aanvaarbare standaarde. Dit is daarom baie belangrik dat nuwe werknemers op die distriksvlak van die Onderwys Departement bewus moet wees van sy visie en missie, en wat die Onderwys Departement se stand van sake is met betrekking tot die bogenoemde kwessie. Die nuwe werknemers moet bewus wees van die mikro, makro en meso doelwitte van die Departement. Werknemers op distriksvlak van die Onderwys is daar om leiding, beheer en ondersteuning te bied aan die leierskap van die skole. Hierdie is ‘n baie groot verantwoordelikheid wat ‘n werknemer benodig bewus is van die operationele prosedures van die Onderwys Departement. Dit is deur induksie dat die nuwe werknemer ten volle bewus gemaak kan word van waarvoor die organisasie staan. Dit is deur induksie dat die doelwitte, visie, missie, uitdagings, sterk punte en kultuur van die organisasie oorgedra en beklemtoon kan word. Dit waarin die organisasie glo en sy doelwitte moet deur middel van kommunikasie vanaf die intree fase aan die werknemer in die organisasie oorgedra word. Induksie is daarom een van die belangrike aspekte van organisasie-ontwikkeling. Dit is belangrik dat elke nuwe werknemer in ons Suid-Afrikaanse publieke sektor aan ‘n goeie induksieprogram blootgestel word. Hierdie navorsing beoog om riglyne te gee vir die ontwikkeling van die induksieprogram vir die OBOS Suid. Die data vir die emperiese studie was ingesamel deur middel van fokusgroep besprekings, ongestruktureerde onderhoude en ‘n gevallestudie.
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
Civil service -- Personnel induction, Civil service -- Employee orientation, Civil service -- Personnel management, Dissertations -- Public management and planning, Theses -- Public management and planning