Investigation and design of a slotted waveguide antenna with low 3D sidelobes

Maritz, Andries Johannes Nicolaas
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An investigation into the cause of undesired sidelobes in the 3D radiation pattern of slotted waveguide arrays is conducted. It is hypothesized that the cross-polarization of the antenna is at fault, along with the possibility that an error is made when designing a linear array. In investigating and finding a solution to the problem, the “Z-slot ” is introduced in conjunction with polarizer plates. The base components are used by a custom optimization algorithm to design reference and solution antennas. Results of the antennas are then compared to ascertain the cause and possible solutions for the unwanted sidelobes. The generic nature of the process may be used to characterize other arbitrary aperture configurations and to design larger antennas.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘n Ondersoek om die oorsaak van ongewensde sylobbe in die 3D uitstraalpatroon van golfleier-antennas vas te stel. Die hipotese is dat die probleem ontstaan uit die kruis-polarisasie van die antenna, tesame met ‘n verkeerdelikke aanname dat die opstelling liniêr is. Die “Z-Gleuf” tesame met polariseringsplate word voorgestel as hulpmiddel om die moontlikke oorsake te ondersoek. ‘n Gespesialiseerde optime erings-algoritme benut hierdie basiskomponente om beide verwysings- en oplossing-antennas te ontwerp. Resultate van die ontwerpde antennas word dan vergelyk om die oorsaak van die ongewensde sylobbe te vas te stel. Die generiese aard van die proses kan toegepas word op enige gleuf-konfigurasie en om groter antennas mee te ontwerp.
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
Slotted waveguide arrays, Dissertations -- Electronic engineering, Theses -- Electronic engineering, Wave guides, Radar -- Antennas