A study for the development of a laser tracking system utilizing multilateration for high accuracy dimensional metrology

Greeff, Gabriel Pieter
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Accurate dimensional measurement devices are critical for international industrial competitiveness for South Africa. An overview of all the necessary components of a laser tracking system using a multilateration technique for very accurate dimensional metrology is presented. A prototype laser tracker station was built to further investigate this type of system. The prototype successfully tracks a target within a volume of at least 200 200 200 mm3, approximately 300 mm away from the tracker. This system includes the mechanical design of a prototype tracker station, electronic implementation of ampli cation and motor control circuits, a tracking control algorithm, microcontroller programming and interfacing, as well as a user interface. Kinematic modelling along with Monte Carlo analyses nd the main error source of such a tracker as the beam steering mechanism gimbal axes misalignment. Multilateration is also motivated by the results found by the analysis. Furthermore, an initial sequential multilateration algorithm is developed and tested. The results of these tests are promising and motivate the use of multilateration over a single beam laser tracking system.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is van kritieke belang dat Suid-Afrika akkurate dimensionele metingstoestelle ontwikkel vir internasionale industriële medinging. 'n Oorsig van al die nodige komponente vir 'n Laser-Volgsisteem, wat slegs van multilaterasie gebruik maak om baie akkurate drie dimensionele metings te kan neem, word in hierdie projek voorgestel. 'n Prototipe Laser-Volgsisteem-stasie word gebou om so 'n sisteem verder te ondersoek. Die prototipe slaag wel daarin om 'n teiken, binne 'n volume van 200 200 200 mm3 op 'n afstand van omtrent 300 mm te volg. Die sisteem sluit die meganiese ontwerp van die sodanige stasie, elektroniese seinversterking, motorbeheer, 'n volgingsbeheer algoritme, mikroverwerker programeering en intergrasie, asook 'n gebruikerskoppelvlak program in. Kinematiese modelering, tesame met Monte Carlo simulasies, toon aan dat die hoof oorsaak van metingsfoute by so 'n stasie by die rotasie-asse van die laserstraal-stuurmeganisme, wat nie haaks is nie, lê. Die multilaterasie metode word ook verder ondersteun deur dié modelering. 'n Algoritme wat sekwensiële multilateratsie toepas word boonop ontwikkel en getoets. Die resultate van die toetse dui daarop dat die algoritme funksioneer en dat daar voordele daarin kan wees om so 'n metode in plaas van 'n Enkelstraal-Volgsisteem te gebruik.
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
Laser tracker, Multilateration, Kinematic modelling, Dimensional metrology, Dissertations -- Mechatronic engineering, Theses -- Mechatronic engineering