The need for, and state of, energy-efficient homes in the United States

Foss, A.D.
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Although there are serious hurdles to overcome before green, energy-efficient homes become common; the technological and market-based foundations are already in place to support a shift in standard practice. Many organizations, from the federal government to local non-profits, are driving the transition to more efficient homebuilding practices through research, market-based competition, and tax incentives. However, many builders are resisting the transition, due to the fragmented nature of the building industry and a perceived lack of consumer demand. Because of the nature of the US economy, until American consumers understand green homes and demand builders to build them, green homebuilding will not reach its full potential. If building practices are left unchanged, inefficient homes will continue to cause dire consequences to the world because of their contribution to global climate change.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoewel daar ernstige struikelblokke bestaan, wat oorkom moet word alvorens groen, energie-doelmatige wonings algemeen raak, is die tegnologiese en markgerigte grondslae reeds gelê om ’n verskuiwing in standaard-praktyk te onderskraag. Verskeie instansies – van die federale regering tot nie-winsgewende organisasies – verleen stukrag deur middel van navorsing, markgerigte mededinging en belastingaansporings aan die oorgang na meer doelmatige gebruike rondom praktyke ten opsigte van die konstruksie van huise. Weens die gefragmenteerde aard van die boubedryf en die waarneembare gebrek aan verbruikersaanvraag staan talle bouers egter die vermelde oorgang teen. Weens die aard van die VSA se ekonomie en totdat Amerikaanse verbruikers groen tuistes kan verkoop en by bouers aandring om hulle op te rig, sal groen woningkonstruksie nie sy volle potensiaal bereik nie. Indien boupraktyke onveranderd gelaat word, sal ondoelmatige wonings as gevolg van hulle bydrae tot globale klimaatsverandering steeds aaklige gevolge vir die wêreld tot gevolg hê.
Assignment (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006.
Ecological houses -- United States, Architecture and energy conservation -- United States, Theses -- Public management and planning, Dissertations -- Public management and planning