The contribution of energy efficiency towards the success of industrial organisations in South Africa

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Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Internationally, governments and lobby groups increasingly put pressure on organisations to reduce their impact on the environment. To this end, various studies show the drivers, barriers, and contributions of energy efficiency towards a more sustainable environment, particularly through reduced greenhouse gas emissions and other by-products. In the study summarised in this paper, the factors that drive organisational success were compared with the effects that energy efficiency projects have on organisations. Methods, policies, and strategies on the application of energy efficiency were also studied. The findings are that, in general, most organisations have energy efficiency policies and strategies in place, and they include internal and external stakeholders in their energy efficiency efforts. These efforts also show a positive correlation with the factors that contribute to the perceived success of organisations in the South African industrial sector. These strategies must be maintained in the longer term, as energy efficiency will play a more important role in the future.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasies, wêreldwyd, word toenemend onder druk geplaas deur regerings- en aksiegroepe om hul impak op die omgewing te verminder. Na aanleiding hiervan toon verskeie studies die drywers, struikelblokke en bydraes van energie-doeltreffendheid na ʼn meer volhoubare omgewing, veral ten opsigte van groenhuisgas-emissies en ander neweprodukte. In hierdie studie is die faktore wat die sukses van organisasies dryf vergelyk met die effek van die toepassing van energiedoeltreffendheidsprojekte op organisasies. Metodes, beleid en strategieë in terme van die toepassing van energiedoeltreffendheid is ook bestudeer. Die bevindinge is dat die meeste organisasies, oor die algemeen, beleid en strategieë in plek het in terme van energiedoeltreffendheid; dié organisasies sluit interne en eksterne belanghebbendes in waar hulle strewe na energiedoeltreffendheid. Hierdie aktiwiteite toon ʼn positiewe korrelasie met die faktore wat waarde bydra ten opsigte van die oënskynlike sukses van organisasies in die Suid-Afrikaanse industriële sektor. Dus moet hierdie strategieë in plek gehou word in die langtermyn, aangesien energiedoeltreffendheid ʼn belangriker rol sal speel in die toekoms.
The original publication is available at
Energy consumption, Industrial organizations -- South Africa
Gouws, P. A., Brent, A. C. & Pierce, W. T. 2012. The contribution of energy efficiency towards the success of industrial organisations in South Africa. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 23(1):57-65.